上个星期三,和一个朋友到Mid Valley shopping,又shopping?? Malaysia Mega Sales嘛,当然要支持下啰! 买了东西,我们就找个地方吃晚餐。我就提议不如去图龙,反正开了这么久一次也没有去过。如果我没记错的话,My FM DJ林德荣好像是股东之一。坐下后,我们就开始点菜。叫了上海小笼包、酥炸果中之王、南北杏炖雪梨、海鲜干炒拉面、木须肉炒拉面和四川酸辣汤。味道就还ok啰,也不见得有什么特别之处。小笼包一挟起来,整块皮就穿了,包在里面的汤汁都流完了,好差哦! 酸辣汤也不是很好喝。我最喜欢的就是南北杏炖雪梨,味道不错之外还可以滋润养颜,哈哈... 价钱都还acceptable,不会太贵。觉得时常去就不需要,偶尔想不到要去哪里吃,来这里一下也无妨啰。:p 上海小笼包 酥炸果中之王 南北杏炖雪梨 四川酸辣汤 海鲜干炒拉面 木须肉炒拉面
Roses: Welcome to my blog. Hmm.. the restaurant is located outside of Mid valley n same block with the Garden. It;s a shoplot. U like xiao long bao too. haha.. me too..
thanks for reminding me that there's actually otehr food than nasi lemak, nasi goreng and tomyam, which i eat everyday ..;)
I've never been to that restaurant before, always cannot remember that restaurant exists until we've already sat down at another restaurant.
My favourite 小笼包 is from Dragon-i.
Is that restaurant in Midvalley or the Garden? The last time i went to midvalley (in january this year i guess) i didnt see it.
Squall: 因为那家是总店。
SK: 对啊,不见得特别好吃。
Danny: haha... u welcome..
小东: 我觉得"麻麻地"。
Legolas: Oh? Dragon- i nice ar? have to try try n c.
Nothamsap: Welcome to my blog. It is located at the office block attached with The Garden.
where is that restaurant u mentioned in midvalley?!?!
how come i never notice it before T_T
wanna bring my mom there next time..
the xiao long bao mades me hungry *sober
Roses: Welcome to my blog. Hmm.. the restaurant is located outside of Mid valley n same block with the Garden. It;s a shoplot. U like xiao long bao too. haha.. me too..
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