Monday, September 1, 2008

Quiet Perth

Although a town of considerable historic interest, Perth, because of its location on the plains and because of the rather simplistic nature of some of its buildings, is not as interesting as other cities in Australia. I gotta say it's nice and peaceful in a way. But anyway, it still attracts a lot of migrants to move there, especially Asians. There are heaps of peoples from Malaysia and Singapore. Plus tonnes of students from Japan,Korea and Mainland China. I think Asian migrants are very common in Aussie's cities. I can see them everywhere in Australia.

My hotel is just a block away from Perth CBD. So it is super convenient for me. Right after reached hotel, immediate changed clothes and went to "makan" before the shops were closed. The shops close very early here, after 6pm, the street is considered dead already. Except those shops and restaurants still open in China Town. My crew members knew 30th August is my birthday, so they celebrated with me in the Japanese restaurant which is very famous and nice in Perth. We enjoyed our time there with all the gossips. Hehe... As usual lor, if not, what else to talk about. :p


Tsubasa a.k.a 滑翔翼 said...


Wooby 无比(膏) said...




Legolas said...

I'm thinking about migrating. Australia is in my consideration. But I probably would want to stay in Sydney rather than Perth.

Pete said...

Happy Belated Birthday Chris! Hope u have a good time in Perth.

Chris said...

滑翔翼: 这也是我理想中的生活之一哦。 嘿嘿。

無比膏 Ooby: 谢谢你的offer哦,你可以通过msn联络我啊。我觉得也不会太寂寞啦,只是它是一个小城市,所以会比较静咯。但是我觉得这里非常适合退休后的生活,可以考虑,哈哈。。

Legolas: Yeah, i prefer Sdyney more than Perth too.

Pete: Thank u so much oh.. ;)
Oredi back from Perth lor.

Anonymous said...

哈, 超无心的跑到你的黑色空间了.我就生活在PERTH.说的对,这很适合退休后的人,在MEL像隔世,在PERTH呢,就像离世.恩

Chris said...

无名氏: 欢迎光临哦,请多多指教。嗯。。对我来说还好啦,有时候清静一下也是好的。