话事话,发觉嚟咗伦敦咁多次,都未有向大家正式介绍过伦敦。不过我谂唔驶我多介绍,大家对伦敦都已经好熟悉架啦! 伦敦都算系我好钟意嘅城市之一。众所周知,伦敦系英国嘅首都,位于泰晤士河(River Thames)旁,系全国嘅政治、经济同文化中心,第一大城及第一大港,全球三大金融中心之一。伦敦系一座既古老又现代嘅大都市,几千年传统文化嘅积淀令佢列入世界上最古老同埋传统嘅城市之一。伦敦从古代罗马帝国以嚟一直保持住自己嘅悠久传统,喺呢度嘅每一个角落都有历史遗迹在诉说过去,呢度嘅大街小巷都流露出历尽多年风霜嘅痕迹。
点开始介绍伦敦好咧? 嗯... 不如咁啦,就由我喺伦敦住嘅地方开始喇。每次到伦敦,我哋都会住喺位于伦敦区嘅Kensington,伦敦其实系好大,咁Kensington就属于Central London,亦即系伦敦嘅中心地带。由于系伦敦嘅中心地区,所以呢度都算系好方便,去伦敦down town都唔会好远。Tube,即系地铁就喺hotel隔离,行出hotel大约2分钟就到Kensington High Street,呢度系一条好热闹嘅大街,有好多店铺,好多嘢睇,好多嘢买,又有好多巴士同埋的士,所以去边度都好容易。
伦敦嘅酒店系好贵嘅,就好似我哋住嘅酒店,唔见得有乜特别,都要百几英镑一晚。呢间就系我住嘅酒店,个人觉得好似terminal咁,点解咁讲咧? 因为住喺呢度嘅airline crew超多,手指一数,除咗我哋之外,仲有Japan Airlines、Singapore Airlines、Garuda Indonesia、Air New Zealand、South Africa Airlines、Asiana Airlines、Royal Dutch Airlines(KLM)等等,你话多唔多咧?
細佬, 呢次冇買嘢嘅??
Soho, heh heh place of action!
haha...dog toilet...interesting..
but i think it would be better if the have a low partitions there...so the dogs won't have to stare at each other when doing business...malu lah ;p
Yeah loh.. Every time can shop a difference country. Jealous!!
But, hardly to buy the train/bus ticket in advance ya?
Last time I used to buy it few weeks early, so that it won't be that expensive. However, it really need a good planner and scheduler.
So, how's your clubbing? Happy hour ya.. I so miss the time there, the drink is cheap. Almost drunk every night there.
London is my drink Paradise..
Ooh! Saw that red double decker in the closing ceremony of Beijing Olympic. I think the Brits hated the 8-minute London presentation.
HAHAHA.. Hong Kong has the same dog toilet concept...
听说是Gay Club来的wor...
SK: 大佬,啲钱用咗喺clubbing度,所以冇钱买嘢啰。
Pete: Yeah.. Enjoy there. :p
Danny: Haha.. good idea, at least steam also cannot c. :p
Lifebook: This time no shopping lor, juz clubbing only. hehe..
Standlye: Clubbing of cos fun lor. Kekeke..
Jackson: 谢谢,也羡慕你的香港美食之旅。
Shell (貝殼): 是啊,伦敦的地铁还蛮方便的。
Legolas: Yeah, u can c the double decker bus everywhere in London.
Pikey: Oh, really?
小东: 是啊,回来4天了。
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