喺佛罗伦斯, 有一个女仔, 每日卯喺马路14个钟, 用粉笔重画惊世名画, 然后将心血亲手毁灭. 咁就系快乐?
喺大卫像嘅出生地, 大理石城卡拉拉, 嚟自世界各地嘅艺术家, 追随米高安哲奴嘅足趾, 要重现鬼斧神工, 咁又系唔系快乐咧?
喺山城蒙塔奇诺, 过千意大利古装人, 大锣大鼓大巡游, 为胜利而呐喊, 为快乐而狂欢, 你, 又可唔可以学佢哋咁快乐咧?
每个人都想生活得开心快乐, 但系快乐系咪好难得到咧?
今次就等我带大家, 去追寻意大利嘅快乐传说, 一齐向世界出发!
各位, 点啊? 系咪觉得个开场白好熟悉咧? 盏唔盏啊? 哈哈..
之前讲过最嬲就系喺weekend返工, 尤其是系星期六晚, 偏偏呢班机就系喺Saturday night depart, 再加上临返工时又落狗屎, 仲整到我懒上加懒, 不过谂到可以同batch girl Nicole一齐飞, 心情都好过啲.
喺咁嘅时势, 谂住班机应该都会系好light load啦, 点知竟然全院满座, 由前边满到后边, 一个空位都冇. 查实罗马呢个航线并唔系想像中咁好做, 唔系讲啲意大利人好demanding, 只不过系觉得佢哋有一个怪癖, 就系唔钟意坐低, 好似张凳有虫咬佢哋咁, 一定要企起身行嚟行去. 闲时个aisle已经够窄架啦, 再加上佢哋又栋喺度, 行上行落都顶鬼住, 简直就系阻街.
虽然系咁, 但系依然有大把crew仆住去做, 点解? 咪就系因为钱作怪囉! 罗马嘅allowance非常之可观, 有大约成6百蚊一日, 两日就千二, 3日就千8, 4日就2千4, 再加上FTL allowance6百蚊同埋overtime incentive allowance, 闲闲哋就有几千蚊落袋, 试问又会有边个嫌钱腥?
呢程人虽然好满, 但系好surprise好多人都冇食, 唔知系咪啲意大利人爱靓, 惊肥, 所以唔食supper咧? 做晒成个aisle, 我嘅cart仲有好多meal净. 好快就派完第一餐, 跟住就嗱嗱声做埋个inflight sales. 因为冇乜人买, 所以好快就搞掂. 睇一睇表, 已经系半夜2点咗, 嘢都冇食就落crew bunk瞓觉.
话咁快3个半钟嘅rest period又过咗, 又到我on duty嘅时间. 唔知系咪班Italian pizza真系好well rest咧? 我返到galley冇几耐, 竟然好多起晒身, 起咗身唔紧要, 但系我之前讲过佢哋有一个怪病, 就系唔可以乖乖咁坐喺度, 整班人喺个cabin度磩灼咁转, 行嚟行去, 行上行落, 晨运啊? 到派第二餐嘅时候, 由于遇到强烈气流, 成架机搖晃不定, service都drag咗落嚟. 推住几百磅嘅餐车就更加寸步难行. 时间一分一秒咁过去, 净低一个小时, 但系早餐只系派咗半个cabin, 仲有一半人未serve. 航机开始下降Roma我哋仲未完成tray collection. 嚟唔切喇, 冇时间, landing with tray就会好大镬!! 阿姐话唔理得咁多喎, 将嚟唔得切收嘅tray同埋head phone冚把冷丢入大rubbish bag. 多得大家发挥肌肉潜能, 总算喺aircraft touch down前将个cabin同埋gelley收拾好. 呼~ 真系险过剃头!
好彩回程时super light load, business class 7个pax, EY 50个, 正! 冇乜驶做! 我哋仲坐喺度睇戏听歌添.
意大利一向都系我好向往嘅国家之一, 佢冇英国人懒有文化嘅装扮; 冇德国高傲森严嘅建築; 亦都冇法国人傲慢自大嘅嘴脸. 脑海中嘅意国就系晴朗的天气, 土黄色残旧嘅建筑, 蔚蓝嘅地中海国家. 從登機嗰一刻感受到嘅意大利人, 虽然只系簡單嘅服飾(不过都系名牌), 但系已經非常合適及有型, 臉上仲會掛住陌生而親切嘅笑容.
喺Europe咁多个国家之中, 意大利都算系属于比较穷嘅一个.
Roma, 唔见得有特別現代化嘅建築, 一切一切就好似貼上保鮮紙咁, 從古時一直保留到現在. 唔同嘅大概只系多咗電燈同電腦. 國家情願日復日, 年復年修建舊時嘅建築物, 都唔願乾脆将所有舊東西重建. 睇嚟意大利人就系咁樣以自已嘅歷史為傲喇!
Compare with Paris, 我个人觉得Roma比较游客friendly, 因为佢嘅旅游地区比较集中, 都系喺市中心附近一带, 唔似得巴黎咁, 由一个名胜地到令外一个名胜地相隔好远. 不过喺意大利, 真系要好小心自己嘅银包, 因为扒手真系好多, 唔好谂住扒手就一定系成年人, 对啲细路仔就冇乜戒心, 分分钟呢啲细路就系扒手界嘅老手!!
羅馬古墟(The Roman Forum)
喺古羅馬嘅七座山丘中, 位置居中嘅卡庇托利諾山(Monte Capitolino)同埋帕拉提諾山(Monte Palatino)無疑系最重要嘅兩座, 佢哋系昔日古羅馬市中心所在, 政治、宗教、商業、娛樂等建築都集中喺呢度, 稱为「羅馬古墟」(The Roman Forum).
呢個位於市中心嘅舊址, 一直荒廢住. 政府默默進行修補, 但系却刻意保留頹垣敗瓦嘅景象. 今日, 呢個古羅馬城區, 不論喺考古上、建築上、古代社會生活研究上, 又或者系旅遊觀光價值上, 都系羅馬各地點之冠, 而集中喺呢个地區周圍嘅旅遊點更加系不計其數.
進入古墟, 我见到處處都系斷牆斜柱, 遍地都系殘缺不全嘅塑像同浮雕. 每一小截都代表住昔日嘅光輝, 每一塊殘片, 都喺度訴說昔日嘅榮耀. 大件嘅代表宏偉; 小件嘅代表精緻. 呢啲都系歷史, 實實在在嘅歷史..
呢一大片廣場分為東、西兩區, 里面有神廟、大會堂、小型劇場及教堂等遺跡, 佔地好廣, 建築物好多. 呢個羅馬古墟其實埋喺地下八米深, 直至十九世紀先被開挖, 得以重見天日. 呢度最初本来系沼澤地, 其後喺公元前羅馬共和時期, 日漸發展為羅馬公共場所集中地, 到咗帝國時期, 呢度更成為龐大版圖嘅權力中心. 今日, 睇到分布其間殘破嘅建築遺跡、孤獨挺立嘅石柱、青苔滿布嘅石塊, 真系好難想像昔日嘅繁榮富裕.
p.s.: 我记得以前嚟呢度嘅时候系free entrance, 不过加阵要收入门费咗. Adult 9Euro, Children 4.50Euro. 证明咗一样嘢, 经济不景, 连意大利人都识得要钱咗~~ :p
羅馬古墟隔离就系古羅馬鬥獸場(Colosseum), 相信唔驶我多讲, 大家对鬥獸場应该都已经好熟悉架喇. 鬥獸場原名系Flavian Amphitheatre, 建於公元前72年, 到如今, 已经有二千几年嘅歷史, 系Roma嘅标志.
鬥獸場直徑大约189米, 有80个入口, 可容納五萬五千到七萬三千名觀眾, 系古時用嚟格鬥、鬥獸、殘殺異教者、奴隸同埋戰俘嘅地方. 不过我觉得呢度已经变得好商业化咗, 有好多当地人同你又或者帮你影相都要收钱.
游北京要睇天坛, 咁游罗马, 就要睇睇萬神殿(Pantheon)喇. 萬神殿系一座紀念古羅馬女神Minerva嘅寺廟, 估計建於公元前27年, 有将近二千年歷史, 其後毀於公元80年一場大火. 現今嘅萬神殿, 系喺120至125年间由Hadrian王朝重建, 基本上仍然維持原貌.
睇萬神殿, 主要系欣賞佢嘅建築特色. 萬神殿嘅外觀其實唔算好宏偉, 但点解又会咁出名咧? 就系因为佢嘅建筑难度, 所谓嘅建筑难度系指佢嘅圓形穹頂, 整個圆顶無任何支撐, 而且陽光仲可以从个大圆顶嘅天窗度照射入嚟. 當太陽射入嚟時仲會睇到四周嘅圖畫, 系一个天文建築, 又系一個物理建築. 人進入萬神殿就好似入咗球體嘅中心點, 向上仰望, 大廳嘅穹頂, 就好似半個球體罩喺頭頂. 估唔到二千年前嘅建築師, 都可以有咁樣嘅建築技術, 確實令人驚嘆!
許願池 or 特雷維噴泉(Fontana di Trevi)
呢个地方唔驶我多介绍喇, 我谂有睇过“冲上云霄”嘅人, 对呢个场景应该都唔会感到陌生, 冇错喇, 呢度就系阿Bell同阿Sam许愿嘅地方. 呢度俾我嘅感觉就系“超多人”, 水泄不通. 建于1735年, 噴泉建築完全採用左右對稱, 喺中间有一尊被兩匹駿馬拉住奔馳嘅海神普西頓(Poseidon)像, 泉水被稱為「處女之水」, 傳說只要背住呢個許願池, 将硬幣拋入池中, 將來就有機會再重遊此地.
小弟的广东话麻麻地,I mean在看广东字方面,但是你的照片已经说完全部了。
哇,你很會寫耶!寫了那么多東西。ya la...i like crafting, photogrpahy, cooking, eating, sleeping...haha i like lot of things. :p
OMG!!! I don't even have to read then i know wad's going on. The pictures are very nice..
that's why i love form 4 history, many things about italy!!!
the pics look good~ clap clap clap
but only know read a little kantonese~ kantonese noob~~~
whoa.... soooooooooo looong.... my eyes got tired reading. wat's more i need to squint my eyes trying to make out what the characters read like >.< pardon my mandaring. or is it cantonese? hehe
anyways, just to say, i jealous lar. yerrr... i aso wanna gooooo. :P such a nice country, though it does gave me the impression of the poorer amongst the western european country,but at least hey, their architectures are Godsend.
Wow.... you must have been all the countries around the world... what a good experience and adventure you are having (forget about the complaints).. Can I follow you?
Beautiful place...
u are pilot?
i super love Rome... as compared to other city in Europe... made a wish few years back at Trevi Fountain.... still waiting for the wish to come true ( again ;p )...
i took the photo if the same angle at The Pantheon ( sun light thru the round hole on the roof ....lol )
如有机会最想看看万神殿 :)
Great entry =), that part " tray同埋head phone冚把冷丢入大rubbish bag " i wondering is all the Pax saw it when u throwing all of it in the rubbish bag o.O ? haha is a great idea actually XD ... one of the idea i read before was .. they throw everything to the " TOILET " XD haha but urs is rubbish bag haha....
When i look on the photos u hv took, it does remain me of that drama as u said "冲上云霄" Bell and Sam hahah... i rmb they went to the fountain, colossuem and also the Pantheon if not mistake and also lotsa places XD .... and all these building remain me of the online game i played before " Granado Espada " a baroque style of game =) its nice to be there =D.
very nice entry =D
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
羅馬哦﹗﹗﹗﹗ 我一生人都不知道不會去到啊。。。。 @.@
how did u empty the Capitol? Where are the tourists?
lonely planet 有记载着,那 fontana di Trevi 有特别的方式许愿,那才显灵的。上次错过了意大利的好多个地方,只到了 Venice,希望有机会再次把意大利给走完。意大利人其实也不是很友善,但真的比法国人好很多。谢谢你的相片与分享!
Not really into old cities... You had a light load on the flight? My daughter came from yesterday PNG/KLIA/SBW and she said there were very very few passengers also on both flights. Gosh! Hope the economy will improve soon...
Not really into old cities... You had a light load on the flight? My daughter came from yesterday PNG/KLIA/SBW and she said there were very very few passengers also on both flights. Gosh! Hope the economy will improve soon...
做仔嘅時候去過, 不過而家印象已經好模糊喇, 淨係記得威尼斯咋~~ :(
wow... 有“冲上云霄”既feel咯
罗马同欧洲对我来讲都好遥远, 机票同欧元都好瘌痢。 有机会你做我导游,一起去欧洲玩。哈哈!!
Envy envy... Will love to go places like that one day. At least can share my experience with my students.
may i ask where usually crew bunk is located? i always wonder where you guys rest/sleep.
P/S: 我也是觉得你好像痩了。Take care..
Chris!!! OMG, you just came back from rome???
i will be there on the 18th March!!!
when are u flying there again??? if possible, we can meet eh!
哇,好爽哦,去到羅馬,一個藝術城市~~ 不過看起來天氣不是很好噢~~天黑黑的~~ 我現在比較想去~~ 西藏~~
突然觉得你很像Micky Mouse(第一张有你的照片),erm...没看到pisa斜塔?!~~
羅馬還是夏天比較美~~ 我還有一段時間才可以把歐洲的照片放上.... 你應該會喜歡我的照片吧~ haha
i must say ...
Damn jealous lah...
I so wanna go to Rome...
这地方很浪漫 ~
The Roman Forum-gotta pay 4 de entrance kinda long aldy! De 1st time i went was free, 2nd time need 2 pay aldy, sigh! U made me miss Rome! I havent achieve my dream~shopping in Florence factory outlet! I went in my last trip, but miss de bus 2 factory outlet, sigh! :(
Rome is one of the place in my list ... i wanted to visit for its architecture and culture ... Need to save enough money to have a Europe tour soon... :p
董百勤: 是啊。我相信大家对意大利的建筑应该都耳熟能详了吧。
That My Goal: 欢迎光临。 好的,那下次再见咯。
谢振凌|사진릉 : 我谂佢哋应该特登将啲嘢保存到殘殘舊舊,咁先至切合返意大利系一个文明古国嘅主题。
类私理: 我觉得意大利是一个非去不可的国家,那里的历史古迹足够让人大开眼界。
吟: 欢迎光临,哦。。你也去过意大利,一定拍了很多照片吧。
Wois: Haha.. Matta FAir刚刚过了。
Agnes Sim: Wow! Seems like u have a lot of hobbies ler..
ian-ization: Yeah, pictures can tell a lots of things.. ;)
vincent: Yeah, i like form 4 history too.. it's the world history... Oh... u can't really understand cantonese.
Medie007: YEAH, this post a very long m took me a day to edit all the pictures.. YeAH, it;s a cantonese post, hopefully u can understand. YEAH, ItAly is considered a poor country in Europe but as u said, their history is godsend..
凡人館長《志強 cHeeKeOng》: 也毋须太羡慕,只是工作一份吧了,你的工作也可以到处去旅游啊。;)
奇迹创造者 Zyan: 好的,一定要去哦。
seazpark: 对啊,那里的历史和文艺气息真的很浓厚。
cocoadeluxe: Haha... next time i become ur tour guide..
Ben||Lew: 对啊,最近真的是瘦了,应该有4-5kg吧,可能是休息不够和太累了,饮食也吃不好.
Vin vin: 哦,谢谢哦。和大家一起分享嘛。
云之站: 不客气,有机会再带大家到其他地方。
Sam Wong: No ar, i m cabin crew.
小东.6am: 罗马冇sales, 所以冇买到嘢. 哦? 你又要去边度啊?
Danny: Oh? What wish do u make? Earn more money of cos 1 of them lor, i think...
yee: 万神殿还不错,个人比较喜欢罗马大教堂。
Ivan: No no.. of cos pax didn;t c lor cos we collect the trays n throw it inside the rubbish bag in the galley, so they can;t c n also cannot let them to c, hehe...
dolphine: Haha.... 谢谢。。。
Faye fly: 不会啦,你一定有机会去的, 放心.
savante: Haha.... it's take me amble time to do it.. Need to make the right angle n when the crowd become less, i quickly take a shoot..
Fallen angel: 对啊,比起法国人,他们好很多,起码都有笑容,不像法国人那种不可一世的嘴脸。
RacheL: 欢迎光临。谢谢哦。
Ryan: 哈哈。。 是吗?
左手: 哦,我没进去斗獸場,因为以前进去过了,而且进去还要给钱.哦, 不客气,有好东西应该和大家一起分享嘛。
Constance: 不是啊,我是100%华人。
suituapui: yEAH, tHE ECONOMY is really bad now n it effect airlines a lot.
[SK]: 哦, 我仲未去过威尼斯, 有机会都想去.
tagnan: 冇噃,而且又冇艳遇,冇异国情缘发生,真系失望。
安可斯: 那就一言为定咯. ;)
kopi: 嗯。。如果住那里的话应该普普通通咯,不见得特别好.
十六夜真人: 对,去意大利一定要买名牌。Versace, Armani, Moschino,D&G, D square...... WA!!!! SO MANY!!!! :p
Shell (貝殼): 是啊,我本来也以为它很大.
Choonie, the Guru: Yeah, u shud pay a visit one day..
Anonymous: 777 is next to the cargo underneath the cabin , 747 is above the cabin at the tail of the aircraft. Airbus crew bunk also same as 777.
tunadolphi: 我想很多人都应该非常想去意大利吧,因为它的名胜古迹真的超多. 对啊,最近真的瘦了很多。:(
ernloy: I will be at KL on the 18th. Will going to Frankfurt on the 19th night.
venus: 西藏,也是一个我非常想去的地方.
Serina: 哈哈,第一次听人说我像MICKEY MOUSE咧,是赞美吧,哈哈。 PISA 离开 ROMA 很远, 坐火车大约要4个多小时。
fufu: 哇! 你也去过罗马咧,佩服佩服。
晴天: 你一定可以的.
Kway: 对啊,照片全部都是我拍的, 还可以吧? 嘿嘿..
Glog: aIYA... dun hate me la, u also can go ma. hehe...
LAURENCE: 哦? 太多广东字看不明白?
angelseow: oh? Really meh? need to may entrance long time already ar? Maybe i too long didn;t go to Roma oredi gua.. Oh?? Got factory outlet in Florence as well?? How is it? Same as the one in STATES? Tell me more when c u... :p
TZ: Now Euro exchange drop to 1Euro to RM4.70. Consider a good time to visit Europe Now.. more worth than last time. ;)
hihi... first time visit to your blog...very funny huh~ luckily i knew cantho, else, it will take me a long time to understand it..XD
leonzee a.k.a. eddy: Welcome to my blog. Thank u. Hope u enjoy with my blog .. ;)
Florence: 欢迎光临,哦。你也可以去啊,那边不错哦。
Forever HL: 你也喜欢意大利吧。
Soooo nice~~
Jason: Thanx ya...
What a nice blog here! Haha, I always wanted to know about the life of a cabin crew. I know behind those smiles and thank you are fake! Haha, people have emotions, dealing with acha ain't something easy. Hope to know more from you. ;)
Freedom8613: Welcome to my blog. N thanx 4 ur comment. Oh.. ya... work, no choice lor,, sometimes need to be fake as well..
Nicely written, Chris. I think Lonely Planet has to hire you for their next edition of Italy's Guide :)
Recently, there're too many things to lure me to go to Italy again. Firstly the new movie Angels and Demons, can't believe I actually missed noticing so many details when I was in Rome! Secondly your blog entry with all those nostalgic photos. My last visit to Italy was 4 years ago to Rome, Florence, Pisa and Venice. I agree with you, It's a wonderful place and Italians are some of the coolest people around!
Waiting for you next entry. Hope you had a good trip to London!
Wanderer of Reality: Hi Ryan, Thanx 4 dropping by ya... Oh... Yeah. I quite miss Italy too.. But so far i only been to Rome only.. The rest of Italy still not yet being explored by me, Hope can do it one day..
Hi Chris, I came across your blog through your comment in another blog. When I read your post, I can suspect that you're an air steward. How nice and lucky you are to be able to fly to so many foreign countries.
Actually, I'm planning to travel to Italy next year and I just can't wait to see the beautiful old cities and grand architecture.
Do visit my blog when you're free.
Calvin: Welcome to my blog n thanx 4 ur commment. Oh.. u plan to visit Italy, that;s good. :)
Yeah, i will visit ur blog too. ;)
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