3月份嘅roster终于出咗喇, surprisingly, 喺咁嘅非常时期, 我觉得我嘅roster都算系好靓仔架喇. 有overlapped到3月嘅Rome, 仲有Narita, Frankfurt同埋Amsterdam. Turn around flight有两只, Dhaka同埋Saigon. 冇standby, total 11 off days.
一年一度至烦嘅Safety Recurrent又嚟喇, 又系时候要读书考试喇. 嗰本我一年先睇一次、黐晒尘、生满冬菇、厚达几百页嘅safety manual终于可以重见天日喇. BCF、transmitter、toilet fire procedures、galley fire procedures、oxygen system、oxygen mask、emergency command、turbulence、pilot incapacity、decompression、crash land procedures、ditching procedures、hijack procedures、dangerous goods handling、first aid等等等等… 大佬, 咁多嘢, 鬼记得咩? 我谂我读唔到几行字应该就会恰眼瞓, 去钓鱼咗. :p Passing mark 90分, 唔系讲笑, 答错3题就可以准备收皮咗. 今年仲有wet drill添, 落水, 出水, 又跳落水, life jacket, board raft... 嘥鬼气~ 仲要做埋啲无聊嘢-big circle, small circle. 唉~~ Evacuate!!! Evacuate!!!!! 快啲完啦! 唔该!!
A friend of mine who is working in SQ called me yesterday. She told me: Singapore Airlines is doing very worst now. Cutting a lot of cost, intake freeze, cut down and reduce a lot of flights and frequencies. Outport hotel downgraded to 3-4 stars, tech crew(pilot) are asked to go for 1 year leave. Cabin crew with alternate month roster, means this month u have roster, next month u don’t have roster, go for unpaid leave, no need to fly. And total of 17 aircrafts have been grounded because of no flight and no passenger. Economy turmoil is hit Singapore very badly. 佢问我MH呢边咩环境, 我讲就未至于好似SQ咁严重, 不过最近真系好多flights cancelled咗, such as Bangkok, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Perth etc.. 公司话经济如果冇好转嘅话, 未来几个月都会系咁cancel flight. 连一向逢机必爆嘅London, Amsterdam, Paris, Johannesburg, Aussie route等等都变得好light load咗. 我同佢讲如果情况再恶化落去, 我谂应该都会步新航后尘啰. 经济大环境系咁, 都冇办法啰, 唯有慳啲驶啰.
05/03: OFF
06/03: OFF
07/03: OFF
08/03: KUL/DAC
09/03: DAC/KUL
10/03: OFF
11/03: Security Awareness Training 8.30am MAA Kelana Jaya
12/03: WB SEP Recurrent 8.30am MAA Kelana Jaya
13/03: WB SEP Recurrent 8.30am MAA Kelana Jaya
14/03: NRT
15/03: KUL
16/03: KUL/SGN/KUL
17/03: OFF
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21/03: FRA
22/03: KUL
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30/03: OFF
31/03: OFF
3 weeks ago