Friday, August 29, 2008






回头想想走过的路,那些陪我渡过美丽回忆的人都历历在目,我谢谢在我生命中出现过或还没出现的人,所有给我或要给我帮助和欢乐的人,你们让我学会了什么叫--珍惜。在此,想对自己说声: 生日快乐。


Thursday, August 28, 2008

La Manila Cafe - Mid Valley

I went to Mid Valley to have lunch with my friend yesterday. Since being introduced by my friend, from that time onwards, everytime i go to Mid Valley, La Manila is one of the cafe that i am not gonna to miss. Hmm... the foods there are just average only, but what attract me actually is the Special Curry Mee there. It's taste so nice and yummy. The curry itself enough to offer a mouth-watering array to me. Since i hardly take spicy foods, i also feel that the curry mee is delicious. And it's not so spicy, just suit my taste. I think it's definately the signature dish of La Manila Cafe. The cafe is located near by to the cinema floor.
La Manila Cafe
This is the special curry mee that i so enrapture with. Cost RM9 per bowl.
We passed by Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks, this also one of my favourite.
I only order crispy floss egg crepe everytime i come here cause it is my delight snack. RM5.50 per plate.

Gosh!!! It's take me about 1 hour plus for me to go back home due to the super heavy rain, flash flood and traffic jam! Normally it takes only half an hour for me to reach home. I think authorities in charge should do something about it, if not, it will become unfinished nightmare for all the road users.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


相隔咗唔够一个月,我又再次嚟到London,由于出发前一晚瞓咗大约有6个钟,跟住on board又瞓咗2个几钟,所以到咗伦敦后都唔会觉得好紧要攰。由于系星期六,我嘅friend喺我到步后冇几耐就call嚟约我出去wet,星期六晚仲有边度可以去架,咪就系去clubbing啰,去边度club? 仲有边度? 咪指定嘅老地方--Soho啰! 喺伦敦clubbing系好紧要贵嘅,cover charge大约系15到25英镑之间。

话事话,发觉嚟咗伦敦咁多次,都未有向大家正式介绍过伦敦。不过我谂唔驶我多介绍,大家对伦敦都已经好熟悉架啦! 伦敦都算系我好钟意嘅城市之一。众所周知,伦敦系英国嘅首都,位于泰晤士河(River Thames)旁,系全国嘅政治、经济同文化中心,第一大城及第一大港,全球三大金融中心之一。伦敦系一座既古老又现代嘅大都市,几千年传统文化嘅积淀令佢列入世界上最古老同埋传统嘅城市之一。伦敦从古代罗马帝国以嚟一直保持住自己嘅悠久传统,喺呢度嘅每一个角落都有历史遗迹在诉说过去,呢度嘅大街小巷都流露出历尽多年风霜嘅痕迹。

点开始介绍伦敦好咧? 嗯... 不如咁啦,就由我喺伦敦住嘅地方开始喇。每次到伦敦,我哋都会住喺位于伦敦区嘅Kensington,伦敦其实系好大,咁Kensington就属于Central London,亦即系伦敦嘅中心地带。由于系伦敦嘅中心地区,所以呢度都算系好方便,去伦敦down town都唔会好远。Tube,即系地铁就喺hotel隔离,行出hotel大约2分钟就到Kensington High Street,呢度系一条好热闹嘅大街,有好多店铺,好多嘢睇,好多嘢买,又有好多巴士同埋的士,所以去边度都好容易。

伦敦嘅酒店系好贵嘅,就好似我哋住嘅酒店,唔见得有乜特别,都要百几英镑一晚。呢间就系我住嘅酒店,个人觉得好似terminal咁,点解咁讲咧? 因为住喺呢度嘅airline crew超多,手指一数,除咗我哋之外,仲有Japan Airlines、Singapore Airlines、Garuda Indonesia、Air New Zealand、South Africa Airlines、Asiana Airlines、Royal Dutch Airlines(KLM)等等,你话多唔多咧?
酒店隔离嘅tube station,喺伦敦搭地铁都系好紧要贵,比如讲由我嘅酒店(High Street Kensington Station)搭去唐人街(即系Leicester Square Station),由Circle line转去Piccadilly line,只不过系8个站,来回都要5英镑。要平嘅话,建议大家买day pass或者系Oyster Card。
呢条就系Kensington High Street,都好热闹架!
伦敦嘅标志之一,红色双层巴士。一上巴士就要俾2英镑嘅bus fare,用Oyster Card嘅话只需要90p,悭返好多架!!
除咗巴士之外,呢度嘅的士都系trade mark之一,好有特色架!
位于Kensington High Street旁嘅St. Mary Abbots Church。
位于街另一边嘅Holland Park,食饱饭嚟呢度散步就最啱喇!
特别为你心爱嘅狗狗而设嘅dog toilet。

Friday, August 22, 2008

Still being caught for flight!

Just came back yesterday night. Thought Tuesday was my last day standby and they won’t call me anymore, but unfortunately office still called me for flight. Some more can asked me to choose which flight I want. “I have Melbourne and Sydney, which one u prefer?” Aiye… I am so tired to go for flight lar! Since the flight time for Melbourne and Sydney is more or less the same, and both stations also single night stop, so finally I picked Sydney as its allowance is slight higher than MEL. This flight is “MUCH MUCH” more easier than the crazy Madras flight which I did on Sunday. Pax are nice plus light load. And the set crew also very nice, very ideal to do a long trip with them. But however this flight overlapped my roster and taken off my 2 off days. Suppose I have 11 off days in this month, now become 9 days. I want my off days back!!!

As per usual, since it is a midnight flight, so right after reached hotel, 1st thing I did was shower then went on bed to “charge battery”. It is very important to restore my mind and energy. Slept until 3pm, woke up and heading to SYD downtown to buy something and kill the time. Winter will be over soon in Australia, so the weather now is just so nice, not that cold, temperature in between 10-18 degree celsius.

Went to Chinatown 1st to feed my stomach, surprisingly noticed a restaurant opened by Malaysian Chinese named Mamak! Haha…. A place where we usually hang around during night time in Malaysia. But this mamak is not like our mamak which set along the road side, it is under the roof and fully air-cond. The foods which they offer also more or less same like mamak stall, such as roti canai, roti planta, maggi mee goreng, teh ais etc… very fascinating!!!

After my lunch, did some shopping in Chinatown, quite a lot of shops which opened by Hong Kie in Chinatown, so getting a Hong Kong stuffss are quite easy here. You can even buy or rent a latest tvb series over here too.. Haha.. After Chinatown, I went to Town Hall, which is a very busy area in down town Sydney, more or less like KL Bukit Bintang area. Lots of shopping malls and arcades around that area, Sydney sales was just over last month, so nothing much can be grabbed cause without sales, the stuffs are pretty expensive compare to KL. Since no sales means nothing can buy, so I went to Woolworths, a supermarket which is very famous in Australia which sell a lots of foods and daily use products. Able to get some junk foods and bring it back to KL. Haha…. The sky was dark, wish to “jalan jalan more” but I was very tired and sleepy, since I will have 1 more Sydney flight end of next month (on the Hari Raya eve, shit! Cannot enjoy the Raya public holiday!), so maybe I buy the things that I left out when I come to Sydney again next month. So after Woolworths, I went to “tabau” something to eat before going back to hotel. Then slept for 11 hours til next time morning before coming back to KL. Wow! I think this is the 1st time I slept for 11 hours in this year!(Can imagine how tired I am). Normally I sleep not more than 8 hours a day.

Gosh!!! Tomorrow morning London again! I am so tired and lazy to go! I don’t want to work during weekend, I want to go clubbing!!!
Chinatown entrance
Inside Dixon Street(Chinatown)
This is the Mamak! A lots of Malaysian chinese students makan inside.
The gold color tower is the famous Sydney Tower, standing at 305 metres, it is Sydney's tallest free-standing structure as well as landmark of SYD beside Opera House.
A very big Apple store along George Street, almost full range of Apple products are inside included 3G I phone.
Spot it! Haha.. LV store! Located at the corner of Castlereagh and King Street. In fact, this area is where all the worldwide famous brands situated. Such as Prada, Gucci, Burberry, Ferragamo etc.
Town Hall at evening time
Junk foods that i bought from Woolworths

Saturday, August 16, 2008


寻晚啱啱喺东京返嚟,今次攞到嘅系morning Narita。我公司每日有两班机直飞东京,早晚各一班。Night departure全部系long stay,morning departure一律过都系short stay,呢个short stay真系好紧要short嘅,系公司咁多out port night stop中最短嘅一个,我哋称之为pyjamas flight。由touch down到第二日reporting time先得17个钟,到酒店冲咗凉,食啲嘢,再睇吓电视,就够钟点瞓觉,所以话带件睡衣去就够喇,唔系叫做pyjamas flight又系叫做咩咧?

飞机到东京大约系晚上7点几,日本仲系夏天,所以天气依然好热。到咗酒店凉都未嚟得切冲,就嗱嗱临换件衫赶去附近嘅手机铺,谂住睇吓日本嘅3G I Phone贵唔贵,几钱。点知要买日本嘅I Phone原来系要同佢哋sign两年嘅contract,亦即系话你要有日本嘅residential address先可以买机同埋开线。冇得买,冇办法啰,唯有到其他国家揾吓啰。喺附近嘅便利点买啲嘢食,跟住就返酒店喇。

随时候命又嚟啦! 由听日,即系星期日到星期二一共3日,12pm to 8pm。呢段时间最hot嘅就系谂到都怕怕嘅印度机,求神拜佛千祈唔好call嚟啊! 唔好call嚟! 唔好call嚟!!

兴建中的成田-东京高速火车,起好后由成田到东京只需大约36分钟,比较于加阵嘅JR Line,由成田到东京要大约个几钟,的确系快好多。但系我谂应该会好贵,加阵嘅JR Line来回Narita-Tokyo都要马币成160蚊,呢个新嘅成田-东京高速火车,价钱应该不敢想像!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BEAUTÉ de KOSÉ - White Succeed

After our so called dinner at Madam Wong Café, we were hanging around b. bintang area to kill our time. We passed by some cosmetic counters, since the current skin cares that I using is depleting, so I think it’s a time to get a new one. Hmm… thinking to try new product and change to another brand, after much consideration, I decided to choose Kose. I've used 1 of its products long long time ago and found it quite effective. So this time I want to try its other products. 4 basic skin cares which included washing cream, lotion, serum and moisturizer already cost me about RM630. Walau! Very expensive ler!! But after “think think”, never mind lor, I’m going to step into the age of 30 soon, so if I am not take care of myself now, become ugly already, nobody want, then how???
Don't know y? The sales girl gave me a lot of samples! :p

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Madam Wong Cafe - 金河

难得星期天不用上班,所以就约了两个朋友一起去逛街。我们6点半在Pavilion见面,然而朋友说他们肚子饿了,想吃东西。我想了一想,就带他们到位于金河的Madam Wong Cafe,他们都是第一次到这里用餐,而且还是第一次知道有这间cafe。也难怪的,因为座落于比较高的楼层,如果不是特地要买东西的话,很少人是会来到这里的,不知道也不足为奇。我们order了家乡豆腐饭、咖喱Laksa面、海鲜Tom Yam Keow Teow、面包咖喱鸡、海底椰汤圆和奶茶。个人比较不喜欢面包咖喱鸡,因为他们放了香料进去,所以出来的味道像印度的咖喱,感觉怪怪的,但是它的面包却非常crispy,蛮可口的。其他的食物味道还蛮不错,价钱也大众化,而且选择也多,它的menu可是很厚哦,期望下次再来尝试其他不同的东西。
海鲜Tom Yam Keow Teow

Monday, August 11, 2008


阔别了一星期,飞机终于在星期六的清晨6点钟安全地抵达吉隆坡国际机场。不知不觉地离家一个星期了,我想家里应该已经布满灰尘了吧。唉呀! 想到回到家又要扫地、抹地、还有一大堆肮脏衣物要洗,就已经觉得累和懒了。我想回到家应该是先收拾行李、洗澡、然后睡一觉,其他的东西等睡醒后才做吧,哈哈..


虽然来过杜拜已经好多次了,但是我到现在为止还是无法忍受它那超热的天气,我们的飞机在当地时间的凌晨3点钟抵达杜拜国际机场。照理来说这个时候如果在吉隆坡的话,气温应该在摄氏25-26度左右吧,但是一踏出离境大厅,来迎接我们的竟然是高达摄氏38度的高温! 已经半夜三更了,为何气温还是如此的高呢? 白天还离谱,气温可以去到摄氏46度!!! 踏出酒店不到十分钟,我就已经汗流浃背了,真的是热到要喊救命!!!

应该有一年多没来杜拜了,这次旧地重游,发觉它的面貌又改变了。杜拜是阿拉伯联合酋长国的第二大酋长国。阿拉伯联合酋长国(The United Arab of Emirates),简称阿联酋,位于阿拉伯半岛东南端,是由七个小酋长国联合组成的。其中阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)是它的首都,而杜拜却是它的商業、金融、觀光及交通中心。我想十年前,马来西亚賣的世界地圖上,可能還找不到「杜拜」这两个字;但是如今,全球超過7千亿美金的熱錢,已经流進這個被譽為「新紐約」的機會之城了。

8月的杜拜,滿地焚燒著陽光。站在主幹道,以阿聯酋國前總統命名的薩伊德(Sheikh Zayed)路,舉目所及,是櫛次鱗比的摩天高樓;與之相伴的,還有如茵綠地、扶疏花木。馬路旁,也處處可見人工湖、人工運河、大瀑布等以水為主的造景。杜拜本土的阿拉伯人不是很多,走在街上,你会发觉看到最多的是全世界最讨人厌的印度人,他们就好像蟑螂一样,无处不在。紧接着臭臭的印度人,我所看到最多的应该是菲律宾人吧,现在也有为数不少的中国人在这里谋生,马来西亚的也很多,多数是公司派来这里公干的。


在这个用金钱堆砌出来的城市,你会发觉--金钱不是万能的,但没有它的确是万万不能。没有人会相信,,数十年前杜拜这片风沙大漠,能开掘出世界上最珍贵的黑金——石油。杜拜几乎是在一夜之间建起的都市。弹指间,它已经变成一个超现实沙漠高温下的现代化城市,它的政府的锐意发展使它变成中东地区最开放自由的都市。环绕在杜拜,你将会感受到万恶金钱所带来的纸醉金迷。在这里的本土阿拉伯人,都是非常有钱的,在你逛名店的时候,你将会咋舌于他们的购买力,买名牌包包不是只买一两个,而是一买就是最少五六个包包,有时连整个系列都一并的买下来,或者对他们来说,钱不是问题,最重要的是能买到心头好,哗! 真的是令人羡慕哦! 我奉劝各位如果来杜拜旅游的话,到处走走参观就可以了,如果想要在这里shopping的话,我还是劝各位死了这条心吧,这里的东西只有一个字可以形容,就是“贵”,除了“贵”之外,还是“贵”。在吉隆坡如果普普通通吃一餐的话,我想马币十块应该足够了,但是在这里,普普通通的一餐都要马币大约二十块,更不要说要吃好的了。就连这里卖的I Phone也是很贵,一个3G I phone 60Gig的要7500Dirham,(1 Dirham大约等于0.93Ringgit),所以折合就是马币大约7000,哇唠野! 问了价钱后,我立刻向店员说“谢谢”,因为实在是太贵了! 不过这里有一样东西是不用钱的,就是拨打local call是全免费的,所以有朋友在这里的话,就可以尽情的“煲电话粥”咯,嘿嘿.. 和吉隆坡不一样的是这里的weekend是落在星期五和星期六,所以这里的人在星期天可是要上班哦。

Mc Flurry,这个是Kit Kat,KL好像没有这个favor

以一间酒店来营销整个都市,我想应该不是一件容易的事,但是帆船酒店却做到了。靠著一間挺立於海上的帆船酒店(Hotel Burj Al Arab),杜拜讓全世界的人開始認識它。貿易與商業是杜拜經濟繁榮的關鍵,这里的領導人,擔心油源將枯竭而產生危機意識,所以选择了一条与海湾地区其他国家不同的发展道路,就是力图成為世界的金融中心。於是這個沙漠小邦,70年代開運河、80年代做貿易、90年代推觀光、千禧年後這裡已是中東地區的轉運中心、觀光購物城和科技網路城,发展的速度令人惊叹! 问过这里的杜拜人,为什么凡事都要做最大,最好,最快? 他们都异口同声地说: 没有人会记得谁是第2名,就像一场比赛,只有第1名才会被永远的记着,所以我们必须是第1名。他们还向我说了一个非常有意思的寓言故事--在非洲,每天早晨第一道曙光露出时,羚羊就会马上惊醒,为的是抢先跑在狮子前头,以免死于非命。同样的,每天早晨第一道曙光显露时,狮子也会立即醒来,为的是追上跑在前头的羚羊,以免死于饥饿。我想活在这个现实社会里,要生存就必须一定要跑得比别人快,才能活命。这个世界上有多少人会记得第2个登上月球表面的人是谁?第2名是没人记得的,所以要赢,要生存就必须要领先。

照片中远处高高的建筑物就是如今世界最高的杜拜塔(Burj Dubai),整栋大楼有162层,高807.7公尺,取代台北101成为全球最高的建筑物,它每四到五天就增高一樓,標語則是:「歷史正在創造中」。

小酋長國的大設想--這個面積相當於兩個倫敦的小酋長國——杜拜,是阿拉伯世界最富有的地區之一,在海上,造一座大島,伸入阿拉伯灣5.5公里,是有史以來最大膽的工程之一。賈米拉棕櫚島(Palm Jumeirah)規模龐大,甚至從太空中都能看到,它完全是用沙子和岩石搭建而成的。在地震、暴風雨和海水侵蝕中,它的存在,本身就是一個奇跡。

我又买东西了.. :p