Thursday, October 30, 2008


下个月嘅roster照旧喺上个礼拜20号出炉,嗯.. 整体上嚟讲,都还算ok啦,好坏参半,同上个月一样咁packed,可能系临近年尾,又咁啱系学校假期喇。

月头有我最钟意嘅四日悉尼/布里斯本航班,因为除咗好钟意悉尼呢个地方之外,仲可以享受黄金海岸嘅阳光与海滩添。跟住仲有我嘅至爱--台北。今次攞到嘅系新pattern,9日班,paxing up and paxing back。即系KUL/TPE同埋TPE/KUL唔驶做,paxing。只需要operate TPE/LAX同LAX/TPE啫,allowance又照攞足,超正。喺台北,唔驶讲,梗系吃喝玩乐喇,同啲friend去clubbing就最high喇,因为嗰度出名靓人多,可以大开眼界。每次去洛杉矶又或者美国,最正嘅莫过于可以扫名牌喇,嗰度啲名牌计起嚟会比KL平,尤其是当有sales时,讲紧嘅系美国牌子嘅名牌,例如: CK、DKNY、Ralph Lauren、Kenneth Cole、Guess、Tommy Hilfiger、Coach等等。比如讲我最钟意著嘅CK同埋RL底裤,喺KL至平一条都要马币七、八十蚊以上,但系喺美国十蚊美金就有交易,如果去factory outlet度买仲平,十蚊美金3条我都见过,所以我会买好多好多底裤返嚟,有啲系自己嘅,有啲系帮人哋买嘅,哈哈。每次去台北同埋LA我都一定会大出血。

除咗呢两个我嘅心头好之外,仲有普普通通嘅伦敦喇。但系成个roster,偏偏就俾一个烂臭flight Spoilt咗,就系冇啦啦整只至超级无敌劲爆乞人憎嘅Mumbai俾我,讲过好多次我至憎做印度机,尤其是系孟买同新德里,几个月前已经顶硬上做咗一次架喇,点知加阵又嚟,喂! Rostering department,你哋系咪玩嘢啊????

01/11: Standby (4pm-12am)
02/11: Standby (4pm-12am)
03/11: OFF
04/11: OFF
05/11: SYD
06/11: BNE
07/11: BNE
08/11: KUL
09/11: OFF
10/11: OFF
11/11: BOM
12/11: BOM
13/11: KUL
14/11: Standby Airport (8am-11am)
15/11: OFF
16/11: KUL/DPS/KUL
17/11: OFF
18/11: TPE
19/11: LAX
20/11: LAX
21/11: LAX
22/11: TPE
23/11: TPE
24/11: TPE
25/11: TPE
26/11: KUL
27/11: OFF
28/11: OFF
29/11: OFF
30/11: LHR
01/12: LHR
02/12: LHR
03/12: KUL

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Flinders Street Railway Station - Melbourne

Been past through this building many times, was attracted by its outlook when first time I saw it.. Yeah, the building that I talking about is - Flinders Street Railway Station. It’s stands at the corner of Flinders and Swanston Streets Melbourne and is the oldest city station in Australia, built in 1854.

Flinders Street Station is the central railway station servicing Melbourne and is a city icon, and historical landmark with its large dome, unique color and beautiful, grand Baroque architecture. The bright colors and architectural lines contrast with the surrounding city buildings and developments.

This is one of the most photographed place in Melbourne hundreds of people are taking a photo of this grand edifice. The domes and clock tower give the building a dominant civic presence. At night time the building is well lighted and its strategic illumination ensures that the building continues to catch the eye.
The central railway station for Melbourne, is not only the hub of public transport for the city, but also an historic and cultural landmark
It is easily one of Melbourne’s number one icons with its stunning grand scale design and location
The steps under the station's famous domed clock tower has long been the most popular meeting place for Melbourneans coming into the city
Inside the building
Interior design of the station
The lunch that i had in a Thai restaurant. Price is AUD9, taste so so only.

Monday, October 27, 2008



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Drinking session - Jo'burg

When leaving Argentina, I feel a bit excited cause finally started my journey back to KL. Flew from Buenos Aires to Cape Town then immediate paxing to Johannesburg. Spent another 4 days 3 nights in Jo’burg before I can went home. Well, the same things happened again -- eat, sleep and watching dvd. Haha.. boring ho?? But this time we have add 1 more program, that’s drinking session. Hehe...

Since nothing much to do in Jo’burg and nobody want to go to Sun City, so we decided to have our enjoyable drinking and gossip time in room. We bought the wine from the wine shop next to our hotel. Actually I am not so into wine and beer, I more prefer hard liquor and cocktails. Taste better and get "high" faster. :p

Overall, I didn’t use much money in this trip, cause not joining any tour and not do much shopping(actually nothing much to shop, hehe), so I saved most of my allowances for this trip. I need to use this money to clear off my credit cards bill and other commitments. Since economy is turning bad, so we must save money and spend wisely oh...
Joleen and Jessie
Pei Ling and Wilson
Me and Jessie
This is latest me! :p

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cementerio de la Recoleta - Buenos Aires

After a long awaited 14days, finally came back to KL on Friday morning. Since being away from KL for about 2 weeks, I got a lot of things to do after came back. So these few days will be very busy for me.

Well, talking about this trip, nothing much special cause I just did it in May. The flights were full as usual as it is not a daily frequency. My 1st port for this trip is Cape Town, 4 days 3 nights there. Basically I did nothing at Cape Town except sleep, eat, watch dvd. Not joining any tours there cause most places in Cape Town had been covered. After that, going onwards to Buenos Aires, another 5 days 4 nights there. Same old things I did there, sleep, eat, watch dvd, shopping. But this time I had been to a place which I didn’t visit before during my last 2 trips to Buenos Aires - Cementerio de la Recoleta (Recoleta Cemetery).

Recoleta Cemetery is a famous cemetery which is the final resting place of many of Argentina's wealthiest and most famous families and personages. Internationally, Eva Perón is the best known person buried in this cemetery. The cemetery contains many elaborate marble mausoleums, decorated with statues, in a wide variety of architectural styles.

Two words of warning though before come here. Firstly, do not go if you have a cat allergy, or just don’t like cats. This is because there are dozens of them who seem to live in the cemetery. I have no idea why there are so many.

The second warning is to avoid the cemetery if you have a vivid imagination. This is because although most of the tombs are well kept, in most cases the coffins within are on clear display. Some of the older tombs are actually ramshackle, with no glass etc and the moldering old coffins within are almost within hand reach. It is quite ghoulish. As for me, daytime with accompanies are still ok, night time ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!!! Very scary!!!
Entrance of Cementerio de la Recoleta
The coffins are clearly see inside
The mausoleums are crowded closely together, allowing little room between them for pedestrian passages

Cats who are seem to live in the cemetery
Some are richly ornated, with intricate carvings of death related symbols or items meaningful to the occupant
The quiet streets of the cemetery invite the visitor to stroll, or sit and rest, while forgeting the busy barrio of Recoleta just outside the walls

Members of Eva Peron's family are entombed here in the family vault
Tomb of Evita also here

Saturday, October 4, 2008


昏昏愕愕咁病咗几日,到今日终于都算好得七七八八,不过咳依然未好,身体仲系好容易攰,但系比起几日前已经好好多咗,多谢晒大家嘅关心。医生话因为我喉咙发炎,所以引致发烧、头痛、咳、伤风同埋关节疼痛,唉! 真系五劳七伤啊,阴公!

五月嗰阵时曾经喺随时候命中过南非同埋阿根廷long trip,点知十月又嚟,不过今次系rostered,一直以嚟都唔钟意做呢个航线,原因之前已经讲过,已经谂尽办法想换走佢,但系就换嚟换去都换唔走,因为冇乜人钟意做,时间太长咗。虽然我呢次攞到嘅系短嘅,但系头尾都要14日,而且仲系做一半工添,即系total 6 sectors,3个sectors operate,3个sectors paxing,咁好做,allowances又高,竟然冇人要噃!! 唔通大家都嫌钱腥啊??

谂到喺南非同埋阿根廷我都觉得闷啊,仲系闷到想呕嗰只!! 喺嗰度咁多日都唔知做乜??? 应该参观嘅地方都已经去过晒咗,喺酒店房间唔系瞓觉就系食嘢、煲碟、上网,好无聊啰!!!! 感觉好似喺度等时间过,晒紧啲青春同埋生命。救命啊!!!!!!! 我唔想去啊!!!!

冇发啦,换又换唔走,MC嘅话又要standby 14日(痴线!!),唉~ 唯有去喇。我已经攞咗好多dvd准备日日喺酒店房间度煲碟架喇,家好月圆啦、搜神传啦、西片、日文片等等乜狗屎垃圾片都有,唔系嘅话我一定会闷到抽筋、发癫!!

唉! 各位,暂别两个礼拜,17号返嚟后再见喇!! 大家保重!