食steamboat buffet
早排同几个朋友去咗位于Lot 10 3楼嘅Shabu One度食dinner. 由于有优惠卡, 所以卖单时一个人30蚊都唔驶, 都算系几ok. 不过啲嘢就普普通通囉, 唔会有乜特别惊喜.
盗墓笔记(The secret of grave robber)
最近除咗忙, 冇时间update之外, 一有时间, 我都会攞起呢本小说嚟睇. 如果你系钟意睇惊怵、嫌疑、探险类型小说嘅朋友, 我本人极力推荐呢本小说俾大家. 自从我第一次睇呢本小说之后, 就俾佢嘅情节深深咁吸引住, 令我欲罢不能. 一得闲就攞嚟睇. 故事嘅主干系从一支考古探险队喺一个海底坟墓里神秘失踪而起, 从而牵然出一个神秘嘅巨大秘密... 故事主角系来自一个盗墓世家. 五十年前, 一班盗墓贼从一个古墓里挖出一部古老嘅战国帛书, 残篇中记载咗一座奇特嘅战国古墓嘅位置, 但系呢班盗墓贼喺地底碰上咗诡异事件, 几乎全部身亡. 五十年后, 其中一个盗墓贼嘅孙(就系男主角)喺佢阿爷嘅笔记中发现咗呢个秘密, 就纠集咗一批经验丰富嘅盗墓贼前去寻宝. 全部事情嘅起因, 就系从呢一份战国帛书而起. 神秘图案、海底古墓、七星疑棺、青眼狐尸、九头蛇柏、风水、寻龙点穴、三条龙脉、宝眼、血尸、蛇眉铜鱼、云顶天宫、青铜巨门、九龙抬尸棺、神秘录影带、西王母国...等等等等. 故事悬念重重、情节跌荡、步步惊心、高潮迭起、峰回路转~ 真系好好好好好好好紧要正!! 如果大家有兴趣嘅话, 可以买嚟睇, 我包保冇介绍错.. ;)
I bought all these...
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
This is the latest single from Lady Gaga. 一个字-正~ I think will soon be hit爆club. 其实我最钟意佢喺MV里面啲造型, 简直令我叹为观止. 起码超过10个images, 个个新鲜、劲爆、夸张兼有型有格. 大家睇下个MV正唔正? 睇完就一齐嚟Rah rah ah-ah-ah! Ro mah ro-mah-mah! Gaga Oo-la-la! Want your bad romance!!
3- Britney Spears
This is Britney's new song! It's all about threesome and it's so awesome! I like it so much~ So damn cool~
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin’ down with 3P
Everybody loves fucking!
everybody loves fucking? :P yeah yeah yeah~ 3p sumore~ hahaha
bad romance我喜歡她的土星環裝跟鉆石裝
希望會成為明年vma的best video吧^^
那本the secret of grave robber-我有在popular 看過﹐看了一篇﹐好像很深﹐so i give up。。。
那只mv!! 很精彩~^^
盗墓笔记好象很不错. 如果是漫画会更好. :D
Bad Romance好正!我好钟意啊!日日都听~
lady gaga的mv我都好喜歡~
head looks disproportionately bigger than the rest of the body. Or is it just the angle ? :P
Another shabu fan? We'll include you the next time ya. :)
I noticed about that steamboat restaurant also... But no time pay a visit to it yet!!!
I love the Lady Gaga 'Bad Romance' too... Especially the beginning part!!!
not much surprise from Shabu One???
then i wolt want to go lor :) thanks for this review,
typing error
Its my turn to leave comment here... Nah,u kinda look like an actor.. haha =) btw, i like d posting of urs whereby updating ur routine.. haha.. keep in touch in blogger world ya bro chris..
Lady Gaga Bad romance MV真系酷啊~ 尤其是最后那一幕!
Hey hey Chris....I'm fine.. I thought you forget me liao...keke.. Thanks for "still" visiting my blog. I also so long never hear from you jor..you only update your blog today/yesterday.. Eh, I wanted to come to this place to try the steamboat when I discover it few weeks ago.. hou sek mou? You got a nice profile picture there. still hamsom..keke
nice photos of yours! ^^
I love the Bad Romance music video! Lady Gaga is so awesome!
Lady Gaga近期个人超喜欢的歌手~
Steamboat人头算?how much?
desprate Gaga vs bithcy Britney... but i like it... haha
u really very pandai cari makan hor... owiz eat ho liao.
Wait wait :) Lemme guess. You had a steamboat buffet which led to a bad romance with lady gaga and her three back-up dancers who look like britney spears?
How did I do?
Lady Gaga 的那首歌真的赞!
yeah the bad romance is so cool, i cant stop myself from swinging with the music, and the mv is just so stunning, though i dun really like the ending :P
yeah u look thinner liao, better eat more :)
yeah the bad romance is so cool, i cant stop myself from swinging with the music, and the mv is just so stunning, though i dun really like the ending :P
yeah u look thinner liao, better eat more :)
我等着看lost symbol。。。哈哈!
The book u recommended seems nice .. will try to search in book store...those pictures is game or what actually ? very nice in graphic =)
Lady Gaga每次嘅造型都好嚇人...
Lady GaGa song was awesome!!
I like BS too....
you really looks like kid when wearing a short pants..
Yeah, Shabu One is just so so. Nothing special about it.
And I like the Lady Gaga and Britney's songs too. It's time for Danny Gaga to practise the new song!!!
waaa... Britney getting nottier. :P
waaa... Britney getting nottier. :P
waaa... Britney getting nottier. :P
真的好忙哦 ~~
Steamboat, bad romance, I thought you went on a candlelight steamboat dinner date! LOL!
L²: Yeah.. U like 3p too? :p
C'est la vie: Yeah, 近排又瘦咗. 可能忙呱.
十六夜真人: Yeah, Britney 看起来很big size. Gaga 真的好有型咯.
Fallen angel: 我也一样.
垃圾魚-stacey: 买来看, 真的很好看的.
seazpark: Yeah..
LEon: 我听说好像要出漫画版本.
JR: Haha.. same here..
ah_man: 对,她的歌都很有跳舞feel.
nicholes: 谢谢, 你也一样.
晴天: 是咯。
bluesoul: haha.. maybe is the angle problem gua..
LAURENCE: 我喜欢lady gaga的, 好正~
单身汉: 谢谢.
Gratitude: haha.. thanx 1st ya..
类私理 Lesly: I like the whole mv, n the way she dance.. she cool~
Ben||Lew: 去买来看,真的很好看,没骗你的.
ai wei: Yeah, for me is juz so so only.
gazyCristiano: Thanx ya.. Oh? look like which actor?
幸福王子: 哦? 谁是ed?
Serina: Yeah, haha...
cocoadeluxe: U welcome.. Oh.. shabu one is so so only, my opinion. Oh.. thanx 4 ur compliment ya, hehe... ;)
Xing Tells You: Thank u.
栋主: 差不多30块一个人.
Wois: 哈哈.. 可以.
Ah Beng: No la.. most of the time is fren introduce for me to makan only.
savante: HAha... a very creative thesis.. :p
Sanze: 我还好,你呢?
the happy go lucky one: Yeah, recently slim down oredi.. Will eat more n train more. Thanx ya.
发白日梦^^ : 哦? 像小孩子? 真的吗? lol 我年纪也不小了. keke...What is lost symbol?
古克石屋: 哈哈.. 很多东西都在忙. 没有啦, 也要忙工作.
Ivan: It's not a game, it's juz a graphic pictures that people draw.
Go buy n read. ;)
小东.6am: 系啊, 呢排瘦咗.
~大头~: oh? looks like a kids? how come geh?
KY: Yeah, ask Danny to teach us to dance.. :p
海市蜃樓: 十本结局. 不过真系好正,好紧张. 故事都系link住落去.
Medie007: Yeah, she not that innocent. :p
venus: 谢谢, 你也是.
嘿嘿: 期待你咯.. kaka.. :p
Pete: haha.. i wish too..
gosh you're cute haha
and why yuu always put ur lips like that?trying to be cuter hmm?hehehhe
hi chris, y u become chubby liao... dun hit me ya... =Ppp recently i online watch 'gong sam gai'... walao~ vy nice...u also watch la...^.^
bad romance,gaga 这次玩卡通眼睛,很可爱。。。。他太有个人风格了。。。赞。
Sam Wong: 不客气.
Mac Callister: ThaNX 4 UR COMPLIMENT YA. Ya lor, hehe..
云之站: 哦? 什么习惯?
pinkpink: Oh? I tott i lose weight oredi?
飞飞: 对,造型很劲爆..
Shabu shabu is getting more and more popular lately. I like it very much.
Lady Gaga is damn sexy.
你真是一个享受人生人气王!我还好 :-)
古小玉: 我其实都好钟意睇西游记架.
Superman: Yeah, me too. But once awhile is ok lor, cannot eat alwaz..
墨鱼: 哇! 你也太看得起我吧..
Chris 啊,忙归忙,要照顾龙体啊。我就来吉隆坡探你既啦。:P
素基辅导员: 谢谢. OH? 真的?
lady gaga VS britney
i like the most!both "bad romance" and "3" also great !!!
but bad romance MV look like cockroaches lol! haha ! creepy gaga fingers!
nicholes: 哦?
ryan小王子: Yeah.. the song is so nice.. nice to dance n shake the body, hehe..
i like both of them ! nice their songs...cos can move move shake shake!haha....so going anywhere shakin' this coming weekends?
ryan小王子: I am away from KL this weekend, so cannot go. :(
going where this weekends? normally go which club ?
ryan小王子: Going to Melbourne later.. Normally mo lor. U ler?
ryan小王子: Sorry it's mp.
wow cool! have a safe trip there!
normally i'll go either OB or MP... more prefer MP lor...
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