上个星期六晚, went to a friend’s birthday party at Crown Regency. 都已经唔系第一次出席啲咁嘅派对. 例牌都系饮酒啦、食嘢啦、吹水啦、放电啦、发姣啦… 期间, 见返啲好耐冇见嘅朋友同埋认识到唔少新朋友, 照旧大家都会客气咁寒喧几句. 其中有个新识嘅朋友讲嘢都几direct个噃, 大家识咗都唔够一个钟,佢竟然问我啲好私人嘅问题.
“吓!? 点解你咁问嘅?”
“你个样同埋你俾我嘅感觉, 我觉得你似系俾人包囉..”
“吓, 哦.. ok..” 我一笑置之.
My latest photos




赞成gabby讲既,你睇起来皮光肉滑,又靓仔,不过拒太过直接了!哈哈,我都想被人问到底有没被人包啊。;( D皮肤粗过砂纸,讲被人包都没人信。
Bro !! I thought this is your Target ?? being " Bao " by others HAHAHA ... just kidding =) anyway as what ur friends said ... u have such a good looking face + fair + smooth skin ... so everyone also want to " Bao " you lor XD is a good news actually hahaha ...
你那么靓仔,难怪人家要这样想,又不见其他人被这样问 ^^
You look better in dark colours... :)
Be grateful lo cos this means ur market price is high. I never get asked about this before, so means i have no market value. haha...
The u didnt ask him what price he wanna offer? see how much u are worth ma.LOL
現在我還要想辦法找錢去德國留學 >.<
"他们会似老卖老 , 似熟就会乱来"
I think b'cos u looks trendy lah..hehe! but, dun bother wat ppl comment lah.. Ppl always also mistaken that I am from China too.. even our own country immigration officer %($#%*$&
我都想有人包我 !!!
introduce please...
他在暗示要包你是不?? :P
wah...how much he wan pay u oh?haha...
Haha, take it as a compliment. It require certain quality and standard to "俾人包". If people said that to me, I will say “我无所谓,最怕你包不起". :)
oohh.. i'm very good in ' wrapping' things ...
what type of ribbon u want? sateen? chiffon? or paper?
if got extra contacts can pass a bit to us worr...LOL
被人讲係唔係俾人包既方为人上人 XD
畀人包?? 你估你唔想咩細佬?? 哈哈~~
take it as compliment lor, i wished tat too, this morning while i was doing my laundry and housekeeping i daydreamt abt it again kekeeee, but its so impossible for me, no good looking :P
haha... wordless on this...
haha... wordless on this...
哈哈~ 可能真的有那么一点点吧!照片很可爱,贵妇喜欢这类型吧!呵~
靓仔 is like that one lor... ;)
我有保鲜纸同"石纸" 要冇?!!
这样帅,当然很多人要包你啦~ 哈哈!
But then i think u look independent, shouldn't b like tat gua !?
U're so cute.
and u have dimples too.
那很不錯耶!!! 呵呵!! 你還post多幾張照片是不是公開徵收啊?哈哈
Yes, this means you are good-looking and you possess the necessary qualities of a toy boy. Not every guy have the looks okay!
Take it as a compliment and you will feel happy...
哈哈, 这个问题会让你受惊吓哦。。哈哈
P.S. : 可惜现在人老珠黄,阿婶对我都没"性"趣,失败。
好多人贊你皮光肉滑喎~ :D
我就冇俾人問過... 忽然間覺得有啲悲哀添...
You look healthy and well :) Take k man
可能他有职业病,他是算命师啦!!! :P
Cute! How the hell do you leave the plane without being hit on at least five times? I'd probably ask for peanuts every five minutes just to watch you walk away :)
controversial,controversial >.<
depends how u see it, can b good or bad...hehe
hi 楼上的! ^.^
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Gabby: 哈哈。。 当真?
十六夜真人: 谢谢,嗯。 我好像没看过你的照片咧。
Freedom09: 多谢多谢你嘅赞美。你块面都几滑啊,边度会粗啊?
谢振凌|사진릉 : 我都唔知噃,可能系呱.
Ivan: haha... my target?? :p no need to work then got money, quite good offer wo.. haha... :p thanx 4 ur compliment ya...
Ben||Lew: 死囉, 真的看得出来.. :p
win: 哈哈。。 两个都错。正确嚟讲, 应该系俾"钱"包. 哈哈。。
人嚟!!!!!! 同我家法侍候!!!!!! :p
小东.6am: 哈哈哈.. 啱听!! 惨得过我有人包啊.. :p
魔女: 哎唷。。 多谢你的赞美,你也长得很漂亮嘛. ;)
suituapui: Oh? Really? Thanx ya...
bluesoule: U also look not bad ma. :) Haha... price is reasonable lor.. :p
fufu: 我手头上有个datin要包人, 你要不要? :P
squall: 多谢赞美,首先会给你一架车、一间屋子和信用卡,其它的再慢慢去向他拿咯。:p
Matt.Tey: 你话咧? :p
Gossip38: 嗯。。 有道理,我会小心的..
Joanna Tang: Oh... i think it's normal la.. cos we memang from china ma, so sometimes they will mistaken us from mainland china.
~LeuMaS~: 你不是已经有人"认头"了吗?
cocoadeluxe: 哈哈。。 我没钱包人咧.. :p
yee: 嗯。。 我也不知道。
justin.net: 哈哈。都得...
发白日梦^^ : haha... hmm... 5 figure lor.. :p
Freedom09: 我唔要...
Wois: 是咯。
K|E|E|N|Y|E|E: 哇!! 果然够串!! 好, 开个价嚟...
Tsubasa a.k.a 滑翔翼: 你真的是很白咯..
Danny: U 1 2 WRAP me as a present ler. hahah... Oh? u so rich... no need 俾人包啦.. :p
小彬彬: 哈哈,好的。
LAURENCE: haha,, 都是"串"字派..
小刘: haha.. 啱听..
Agnes Sim: 是咯。哈哈..
[SK] : 哈哈。。大佬,你真系知我心意嘅啫。
the happy go lucky one: i still dunno how u look like ler... hehe..
Towards healthy and leisure life~!: Welcome. Oh.. haha... :p
海市蜃樓: 吓? 真系咁似?
Serina: 谢谢。。 当然会考虑咯。。你呢?
Buaya: 哈哈。。 多谢, 那你要包我吗? :p
tom: 谢谢你的赞美。;)
类私理: 好的,没问题。。
Chin Weng 茶先生: 我说没有你会相信吗? :p
tagnan: 唔要, 我要你.. :p
Hezt: 欢迎光临。。 哦。。 谢谢。。 请随便参观... 希望你会看明白我的广东话写法..
~大头~ : 哈哈。。可能吧..
彩虹~天空绚丽的点缀: 欢迎光临,可能呱..
ah_man: 哇。。 多谢你嘅赞美噃。
Steven: 欢迎光临。 哈哈。。此话当真?
古克石屋: Hmm.. c what u can offer lor.. :p
Sam Wong: 还好,谢谢。Juz back from Osaka yesterday.
~Keric 盶禕: 谢谢你的赞美。说没有都是骗你的啦,嘿嘿..
Vin vin: Thanx 4 ur compliment ya... :) Hmm... try to learn to be independent now..
Tizz: Thanx 4 ur compliment ya.. U look not bad too.. :)
H@VEN: 真的这么像吗?
如果: 欢迎光临。。 。。嗯, 对.不理这么多了..
奈斯哈乳豆: 哈哈。。 谢谢。。 我是俾人包咯. :p
venus: 对对, 最近环境不好,要多增加收入.
D: Welcome to my blog.. Tahnx 4 ur compliment ya.. hey, u look good too.. :)
Chris Chia: 欢迎光临.. 我不会包粽子, hehe.... :p
kim: 当然咯,但是也要付出代价哦..
candygan: 谢谢。。。
云之站: 谢谢你的赞美哦..
晴天: 没有啦,还好..
古小玉: 哇。。你要求好高哦。 :p
Yenny: 仲皮光肉滑? 就嚟人老珠黄囉.. 我都明嘅, 以你嘅条件,应该大把人争住沟啦...
sbanboy: thank u...
Lim: 欢迎欢迎,可能吧..
Florence: 当然有开心,有唔开心囉。
savante: Oh... haha.. Anything that i can help u, sir?? :p
Kian: 哈哈。。 谢谢...
ernloy: Yeah, i feel the same too..
Ryan: 谢谢..
leister: :)
John John: 欢迎光临。你的见解蛮独特的, 哈哈.. anyway,谢谢你的留言..
一係咁啦~ 讓俾你,好唔好?*面紅*
如果你直接写个价钱出来,应该会挤爆…… :p
就不用每天擔心Indian route了
Yenny: 3张冇得找囉, 仲唔老咩..
哇!! 咁hard sell自己啊? :p
ky_sky: 哈哈。。 价钱可以慢慢谈.. :p
凡人館長《志強 cHeeKeOng》: 哈哈。。。 有钱就不用这么辛苦了.. :p
哇~ 咁就真係睇唔出你一把年紀喎~ :p
冇法啦~ 時勢唔好,我都要搵返個靠山丫嘛~
这个星期,第一次去汶莱,有蛮多foreign workers,应该是bangla。在gate那里我就嗅到问题了,本来是在gate外等候,当时有位仁兄做过来就坐在我隔壁的位子,我马上停止online,抓起我的行李(假装)去排队,真的很难顶囖。
飞行途中,stewardess送上meal时,我隔壁的仁兄要求vege meal,我就很想大笑,因为我想起你的故事:) 也许是bangla,比较顺摊,normal meal 还是接受的。
wow~ such a great topic...LOL
btw, you look nice in latest photos...keep in~~ ^^
我包你不起,反要等人包 :p 可惜我素质不高,所以唯有靠自己 :)
老太婆都ok噢?! 我? 我怎么可能有人要包。。。X.X
Yenny: 哦? 仲睇唔出? 可能啲skin care really works gua, haha....
有... Yenny姐你开到声... 梗系多多都有啦,点啊? 高矮肥瘦,肉酸靓仔,钟意边一款啊?
小东.6am: 一吁咁话。。
Chloe (蔻依): 哦。。Bangla比较ok, 没那么demand。。。 比较好serve。。
哦? 为什么这么讲呢? 我想每个人都有属于他自己的market..
leonzee a.k.a. eddy: Long time didn;'t c ur comment.. Thanx 4 ur compliment ya...
布萊恩 : 不敢当,不敢当... :p
點都要高過我啦~ 其他就交俾你作主啦~
ky_sky: 我觉得你也ok啊.. ;)
bluesky: 欢迎光临... 哦。。 那你有钱时就会包我咯? :p
Serina: 老太婆不行啦!! :p 我应该会没反应.. :p
Yenny: haha.. Yenny妹妹,你放心啦,我会快快咁帮你揾住好人家架喇...
咁就唔好等啦~ 盡快!
係我生日前送到就最好啦~ :P
Yenny: 梗系真啦,妹妹你咁乖,哥哥又点会呃你咧。。到时哥哥仲会送份大礼俾你添.. :p
不要那么客气。你是帅哥,我顶多只是霉女。 :p
ky_sky: wa。。。你也太给我面子了吧.. :p
不是我给你面子哦~是这里很多人赞你 :) 有目共睹。
ky_sky: 都系要多得大家俾面啫, hehe...
咁我乖就不嬲都好多人知嘅~~~ *輕飄飄*
Yenny: No worries... I can DHL 2 u... Dijamin sampai esok. kakaka...
Faye fly: 就当作是赞美咯。。价钱可以商量. :p
Chris,其实是不是经济不好,你有意思要赚外快,才写这贴的? :p
ky_sky: 哈哈。。 你连这都知道? :p
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There is sufficient awareness surrounding this so people know what to anticipate. Not only that, but it is completely natural and normal to want to find what you are searching for. The rest of this article will increase your awareness of this topic.
The relative complexities of men's and women's style
Both women and men could have the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style frequently feels a lot simpler. Of course, for both genders, clothes and style choices could be just as delicate, and there are several'stylish'items that could easily become fashion faux pas - who will say they often see people travelling in 70s flares? On the other side, men's fashion includes a few staple things that will exist forever - which man is going to keep an eye out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Choose classic pieces, colors and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why classic men's fashion is amazing
The classic man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several versions for different functions, however they are all popular in their search for a wise, sharp look for the individual. The great thing about traditional style for men is that it's effectively elegant efficiently cool. A well-groomed lady will more often than not appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the design of such clothing. A suit will be used to work in several jobs due to the professional search it provides to the person, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be used to many social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This amazing flexibility that allows suits to be worn in just about all functions is what gives it its amazing side and a lasting place in men's fashion.
Contemporary developments in classic men's style
Though classic men's styles will never be changed, it's interesting to note that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced particular common garments back to fashion. The popularity of vintage clothing, specifically, has had back a wide-variety of classic types into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to make reference to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet expensive way, placing value on appearance and working in a refined method. This trend for almost'over-the-top'classic style for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress yourself in particularly Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the streets on vintage bikes - with lots of the men wearing flawless mustaches! That is just one of several samples of evidence showing the resurgence of such types. Additionally, there are numerous sites online which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete websites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, whilst certain issues with traditional men's style may be cut back as new styles, the essential garments that they are based on will never slip out of fashion.
"All it will take certainly are a few simple costumes. And there is one key - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a technical perspective.
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