昏昏愕愕咁病咗几日,到今日终于都算好得七七八八,不过咳依然未好,身体仲系好容易攰,但系比起几日前已经好好多咗,多谢晒大家嘅关心。医生话因为我喉咙发炎,所以引致发烧、头痛、咳、伤风同埋关节疼痛,唉! 真系五劳七伤啊,阴公!
五月嗰阵时曾经喺随时候命中过南非同埋阿根廷long trip,点知十月又嚟,不过今次系rostered,一直以嚟都唔钟意做呢个航线,原因之前已经讲过,已经谂尽办法想换走佢,但系就换嚟换去都换唔走,因为冇乜人钟意做,时间太长咗。虽然我呢次攞到嘅系短嘅,但系头尾都要14日,而且仲系做一半工添,即系total 6 sectors,3个sectors operate,3个sectors paxing,咁好做,allowances又高,竟然冇人要噃!! 唔通大家都嫌钱腥啊??
谂到喺南非同埋阿根廷我都觉得闷啊,仲系闷到想呕嗰只!! 喺嗰度咁多日都唔知做乜??? 应该参观嘅地方都已经去过晒咗,喺酒店房间唔系瞓觉就系食嘢、煲碟、上网,好无聊啰!!!! 感觉好似喺度等时间过,晒紧啲青春同埋生命。救命啊!!!!!!! 我唔想去啊!!!!
冇发啦,换又换唔走,MC嘅话又要standby 14日(痴线!!),唉~ 唯有去喇。我已经攞咗好多dvd准备日日喺酒店房间度煲碟架喇,家好月圆啦、搜神传啦、西片、日文片等等乜狗屎垃圾片都有,唔系嘅话我一定会闷到抽筋、发癫!!
唉! 各位,暂别两个礼拜,17号返嚟后再见喇!! 大家保重!
3 weeks ago
Looks like you're well prepared for the coming 2 weeks trip. But so soon after you'd just recovered?
Well, if I could, I would go with you, lol, as your standby personal doctor of cuz.
Yes, often times it's due to work and sadly money that we have to make such decision.
Anyway, just be careful with food and drinks OK. Don't laugh at me but where's 'Nam-Fei' in English?
未好夠九九十十, 又去日蒲夜蒲又要飛咁耐?? 細佬, 好好照顧身體喎你~~
when u come back, can you summarize all the movies for me? cos i hv no time to watch...hehe
south africa and argentina... erm i have not been to only Africa and South America, would like to visit during my second world trip in the near future =) anyway have enough rest but should not stay at your room the whole day, you need to breathe fresh air once a while also ya =p
大個仔咯, 自己照顧好自己.
不能在hotel online嗎? 或到附近@cyber cafe泡泡^^
take care and gambatea woo...
Aiya! In chinese :)
Have a nice trip.
should be back to m'sia today? juz read ur post, so poor thing! must be missing home so much! how's ur health?
Nase: Yeah, i think i need a "free" personal doctor. hehe..
Nam-fei is South Africa. :)
Matt.tey: 是啊,但是看不完。
Ian-ization: 大家咁话.
滑翔翼: 是咯,钱真的很重要,尤其当你最需要它时。
{SK}: 大佬,冇办法,要食饭。
Danny: Yeah, will tell u when we come out yum cha again. ;)
lcfu: Wow! U have been to quite a lot of places as well. ;)
董百勤: 欢迎光临, 我会好好照顾自己的,还要向你多多学习,谢谢。:)
tagnan: 系咯。我会架喇。放心。
[ B a B y M e R V ]: 已经回来了。
Shell (貝殼): 会尽量online. 但有时很懒. :p
❤oms❤Ψ*^_^*lala..: 谢谢, 你也是哦。
art_tom: Thanx, same 2 u too.
ferlyn: 是的,我要找更多的钱、钱、钱.哈哈。
savante: Yeah, dunno how to write in english n mandarin, cantonese can more easier to deliver the whole msg.
ck_s: 是咯,终于回来了。
Pete: The trip is boring. :(
KC: Yeah, back oredi. Still coughing. :(
still coughing? try the hoi-dai-yeh-ji-kat-lou la...i found it quite good hehehe...or if u rajin...just go to kedai ubat cina, tell them u cough and get the nan-hang-pak-hang+pei par yip+kat p'ng hahaha....tat good very good also...
Aeik: Still can;t cure.. :(
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