各位好耐冇见喇, 由于近排真系好忙, 所以冇时间更新, 趁呢几日得闲, 嗱嗱声update.
今年新年好好彩, 公司approved咗我6日嘅annual leave, 再加上2日off days, 一共八日. 好耐都试过新年可以休息咁耐. 年三十晚就返怡保. 过年做啲乜? 都系离唔开饮饮食食、睇戏煲碟、瞓覺(所以过年我一定肥), 仲有梗系几乎每晚都去Friend's cafe打卡返工, 去到就嚟连个menu都可以俾我背熟晒. :p
初三, KL朋友话想去Penang玩下食下嘢, 顺路经过怡保就兜埋我一齐上槟城. 到槟城大约已经5点几, 就急急脚去订酒店, 只可惜G Hotel已经fully booked咗, 咁我哋就唯有入住离开G Hotel冇几远嘅Evergreen Laurel Hotel. 虽然话都系5星酒店, 但系俾我嘅感觉就嘛嘛(唔关服务质素, 而系整体感觉), 都系比较钟意G Hotel, 可能装修比较fusion同埋靓啲呱.
After checked in搞掂晒, 我哋就去新开嘅Hard Rock Hotel参观下.
酒店都几唔错, 不过唔近市区, 有啲唔方便.
太黑咗, 个沙滩都唔知靓唔靓.
参观完Hard Rock Hotel, 跟住就嚟呢度饮嘢, 我都系第一次嚟, 对住个海, 个feel都几ok架. 可能系新年关系, 半夜一点几依然爆场.
第二日食完早餐之后, 跟住就去咗佛庙拜神, 之前都嚟过几次, 但系佛庙名已经唔记得咗.
嚟呢度装香祈福, 可能系新年期间, 好紧要多人以及游客.
Before返怡保前, 嚟Queensbay Mall食下嘢同埋meet下几个朋友.
早两个礼拜前为咗要give away伊斯坦布尔, 冇时间兼冇办法之余唯有硬食呢件猪头骨-孟买. 话事话, 谂谂下我对上一次嘅印度机都已经系7-8个月前嘅事, 咁耐冇做, 心谂佢哋嘅attitude应该会好转呱. 虽然系好咗啲, 但基本上依然系好似中国对香港嘅政策一样 - 五十年不变.
"Madam, am i handsome?"
"Yeah, u r.."
"Oh... this is y u alwaz press button because juz want to c me la.."(Yer... 好衰架你, 咁识氹人开心嘅.. :p)
"Thank u, you make my day. I will give u a 5 star service."
"I am a doctor."
得啦得啦.. 我知架啦.. 你哋唔驶每次都提醒我嘅...
你系医生、你系律师、你系工程师、你系太空人、你系世界杰青喇嘛.. 我知架喇, 你哋成班人都系世界上至叻、至无敌、数一数二、有头有面、万人敬仰、连耶稣见到都要下跪嘅人中龙凤喇嘛.. 得架喇, 我知架喇, 我识do架喇..
"Sorry sir, we have only 1 choice left."
大大声闹:"Means i dun have a choice."
"No sir, who said u dun have a choice.. U still can choose not to eat."
Lady Gaga - Monster
最近好钟意Gaga嘅呢首歌, 音乐好听之余再加上"劲正"嘅歌词. 点解会plug Alejandro而唔plug呢首先咧? 我接受唔到囉.. :p 哈哈~
2 years ago
Just began to wonder where you've disappeared to bcoz of your silence here and in fb. Glad you had a great trip!
Have a charming week ahead ya! ;)
CNY post baru updated..
Just wondered what is the doctor's choice. Eat or not to Eat :p
Is this the trip where I supposed to meet up with you bu eventually I did not due to certain reasons, right?
* 要好好take care一下~~ :D
Haha...new thing, new thing!! U got a choice, eat or not to eat, bravo Chris!! 'Dai sei' Kelly Ng!! :P
i am still waiting for that " OPPORTUNITY" to 'fly' in the same flight with u... sure i press the button till burst....lol ;p
that song very 'yeng' rite? the 1st line oledi can kill..
Dun call me Gaga...
wow... really wish can go to hard rock hotel someday...
add me on msn ...
glad to see you start blogging again. welcome back.
Gratitude: Yeah, very busy lately. But now ok oredi.. ;)
~大头~: 系啊,最近好忙, 不过加阵ok咗. Will try to update more.
发白日梦^^: Oic.
TZ: He eats finally..
Go Smerv: Yeah, that's the one..
ahbMy+dückdùck: Thanx, u too..
angeldevil: Haha... not me said one, but my colleagues said it..
Danny: Oh... then u will torture me tat time la.. haha..
单身汉: 是咯..
Medie007: Yeah, but the pricing quite expensive too..
LuckyBoy1420 男孩像我: Ok, what's ur msn?
古克石屋: 是咯, 还有很多backdated post.. :p
justin.net: Thank u.
Chris 大佬,真系以为你人间蒸发佐咯。唔通系哩埋响度孵蛋?哈哈哈,D印度人真系可以感臭既咯。我都唔系好钟意巨地。>_<
Aiikkk, my home turf...LOL!
Yo! I'm great here XD Where have u been?
哈哈, 係啊係啊!! 細佬我期待緊某日可以坐到你班機等你serve, 跟住就每隔5分鐘㩒幾次service bell, 睇你死未??!! :D
oh....u came from ipoh?near by my hometown...TI..
你真係咁樣回應嗰位Madam and Sir? 好勇喔,我完全接受到囖!!!
wah ...什么时候哦? 现在才写新年的游记。
5-star replies but i doubt u would say that to the clients lol...patient la :)
seem u like travel to temple :p
i miss penang
Halor~! Come here to visit your blog! I am a fan of Lady Gaga too! Ga-ga-oh-la-la~ =)
Wah.. Chris.. You came to penang..
We should had met up for coffee.. ha ha ha ha ha.
I like your article on the serving thing.. "no choice? You can choose not to eat." ..
Hope to see your new article soon.
Be happy!!
haha~so 搞笑囖!
Matt.Tey: 是咯, 前阵子比较忙, 现在ok了.
C'est la vie: 加阵咪返嚟囉, 哈哈.. 多谢, 最近你点啊?
Pete: oH? U from Penang?
ian-ization: Great to hear tat, i m at home now.. So u confirm come to KL NEXT WEEK?
[SK]: 大佬, 你唔好囉, 咁样嚟对细佬我..
ah_man: 喜欢吗?
垃圾魚-stacey: Oh? Where is ur hpmetown?
云之站: 是咯, 很久没见到你来坐了..
海市蜃樓: 哈哈.. 令一个回应系我同事讲嘅, 绝咧..
Leister: 碰到好笑想分享的事情, 我都会尽量写出来..
嘿嘿: 哇!! 连诗都出了, 真的非常谢谢. ;)
blue: Haha.. becos she compliment on me ma, so sure i must do something back for return..
Wois: I dunno where else i can visit in Penang wo, that's y go to temple lor..
Tung: Thanx 4 visting ya...
Emo-Happiness: Thank u. Ya lor, i did come to Penang sometimes for makan n leisure.. If got time then can meet up n u bring me for some good foods, haha..
Ben||Lew: Haha...
流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp: 哈哈.. 没关系, 就是因为忙,所以才会拖那么就才更新, 会尽量追上速度的.
hard rock!! still havent paid a visit there despite my last visit in penang.. hmm~
懒update個blog Z!
wei .....
when u want go gym arr ?
since sign-up the celebrity fitness.....
hahaa.. chris, u are getting more n more humor
of course, sure is more n more lengzai ;)
就算成世都未必改到 :p
It's also been some time since the last time i visited your blog.
How have you been?
I can tell you were quite busy, otherwise your CNY trip post wouldn't be delayed for months.
Hope you are well.
apparently they dun understand we are trying to be sarcastic lo, haha... honestly, not only 50 yrs, they will be the same even after centuries!
btw, the youtube link already broken, mind upload a new one? anyway, it's a better song than alenjandro... :p
~eRiC~: Hmm.. actually it's nothing much special, juz a hotel only..
小东.6am: 马拉啲争好远, 好好多~
Leister: Gosh! The whole June i didn't go to gym, waste 1 month fees. So busy til no time to go, i think i have to really manage my time well..
HanLun: Hehe... Thanx 4 ur compliment ya..
cyber6: 系囉, 呢啲叫做死性不改.
ben: I am ok here. Thanx. Yeah lor, cos busy so CNY post drag til now only got time to update.
shin chee: Yeah, that's y.
Oh? So fast broke oredi? Ok, will try to look 4 a new one, i prefer this song rather than alejandro..
哈哈,最近勁懶update blog...
哇,真係羨慕死,成日都有機會去玩,hard rock hotel好似幾正下。。。
LuckyBoy1420 男孩像我:Ok, how abt FB?
you still can choose not to eat.... 絕 :)
jwenice: Haha... i am lazy to update blog too recently.. Busy with other things..
Fufu: Haha.... bleh... :p
我都係接受唔到囉~ 新年既相咁耐先post上来!真係个大忙人!
ryan小王子: 哈哈... 真系比较忙嘛.. 不过依家OK咗...
嗨! Chris,你好~
第一次留言。。 广东不好。。打华语可以hor?呵呵~ :)
Hard Rock Hotel 有去过。。 没住过。。 感觉不错!喜欢泳池在旁边的房间。。 :)
Jeremy O.: 欢迎光临.. 我也是没住过, 但感觉ok咯. 还是比较喜欢靠近市区的酒店.
點ok吖? 又係去香港?
ryan小王子: Hehe...
ryan小王子: Hehe...
how about i say : im a crew. if u need me, im at 14D.. hehe !!
wine: Haha.... so notti...
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