好多人同我讲过话我似呢个啦, 似嗰个啦.. 比如任达华、黄凯芹, 听得最多嘅应该系张智霖, 呢度有几张我嘅近照, 咁大家又觉得我似边个咧?
09 Astro国际华裔小姐
从面试、初赛、半决赛到终极10强, 纷纷扰扰咗个几两个月, 2009年Astro国际华裔小姐决赛终于于上个星期六喺云顶云星剧场盛大举行咗. 成个show以保护海洋为主题, 连个舞台设计都系以海洋为中心, 喺选美嘅同时亦顺便宣扬埋环保嘅重要性, 主办当局都算费尽心机. 佢哋嘅心思, 我觉得应记一功. 老实讲, 今届班候选佳丽啲水准都好高兼几平均, 个个都好有实力.
左到右-1号Janice陈玉薇, 2号Jean陀韵妮, 3号Joycelyn郭俐伶, 4号Kate全莉芳, 5号Christine杨淑怡
左到右-6号Fiona杨琇灵, 7号Polly叶宝励, 8号Katrina何蒉町, 9号Jane陈爱华, 10号Belle陈美妤
讲番个赛果, 我嘅心目中冠军人选, 大热门8号何蕢町竟然大热倒灶, 饮恨沙场, 由10号嘅黑马陳美妤爆冷跑出..
冠军: 8號何蕢町
亚军: 3號郭俐伶
季軍: 4号全莉芳
第一part: 问答环节
哇! 呢一part认真攞命! 大部分佳丽啲半咸唔淡嘅广东话真系听死人. 建议如果广东话真系唔掂嘅话, 唔好夹硬嚟, 不如讲番华语啦, 最起码我哋嘅耳仔唔驶受罚. 纵观嚟讲, 2号佳丽Jean陀韵妮对答得最好, 反应敏捷兼落落大方, 佢喺呢个环节应该攞到唔少分数. 最无厘头应该要数4号Kate全莉芳:"After你冲一个niong, 你嘅body会反光.." Huh? 你讲乜嘢啊? 你ok冇?? 7号Polly叶宝励睇得出好紧张, 答问题都答到腾晒鸡. 9号Jane陈爱华劲搞笑:"因为我们的血缘关系是"流脓于水"的!!!" Oh my god!! 哈哈.. 笑到我反胃! 而10号Belle陈美妤就最牙尖嘴利.
第二part: 泳装环节
今年嘅泳装非常有睇头. 3点式tube top将班佳丽啲身材表露无疑. 围喺腰间嘅薄纱就增加咗几分飘逸感. 而蓝色嘅泳衣就配合番大会以海洋为中心嘅主题. 拥有33 23 36再加上5尺7寸身高标准身材嘅10号Belle陈美妤表现得最好, 行起cat walk上嚟有型有款, 佢得到完美体态奖我觉得系实至名归.
左到右-1号Janice陈玉薇, 2号Jean陀韵妮, 3号Joycelyn郭俐伶, 4号Kate全莉芳, 5号Christine杨淑怡
左到右-6号Fiona杨琇灵, 7号Polly叶宝励, 8号Katrina何蒉町, 9号Jane陈爱华, 10号Belle陈美妤
第三part: 才艺表演
总括嚟讲, 班佳丽啲才艺表演可以讲系毫无新意, 都系炒冷饭之作, 除咗一位--9号嘅Jane陈爱华. 佢嘅功夫表演简直令人拍案叫绝、拍烂手掌. 学林德荣话斋, 如果安排佢系第一位出场表演嘅佳丽, 咁我相信其他啲佳丽都唔驶嘥心机再表演喇, 可以悭番啖气返入后台继续休息睇表演. 因为强弱实在差太远. 最佳才艺奖梗系非佢莫属啦!
第四part: 5强5C终极问答环节
2号Jean陀韵妮: 答非所问, 失晒分数. 林佩盈处处逼人嘅词锋搞到佢好尴尬.
3号Joycelyn郭俐伶: 问一句、答一句, 唔识争取机会讲多啲嘢, 搏评判欢心.
8号Katrina何蒉町: 好紧张兼腾鸡, 令到佢答得好唔自然. 虽然论样貌, 佢系众佳丽之冠, 可以话艳光四射; 但系决赛当晚少少失准嘅表现, 令到佢同冠军擦肩而过, 真系好可惜. 不过我相信以佢嘅外貌, 唔忧冇出路.
9号Jane陈爱华: 我觉得佢好cutie同埋好得意, 系一个好容易得人欢心嘅女仔, 就连佢答问题嘅样我都觉得好可爱. 不过佢答问题时好似读错音, 应该系pronounce as鲸(jīng)鱼, 而唔系"情"鱼.
10号Belle陈美妤: 样貌并非惊为天人, 系属于嗰种越睇越顺眼型. 但系佢越战越勇. 我觉得超水准嘅临场表现、大方得体嘅对答、自信自然淡定嘅一面, 系令到佢可以撼低大热8号何蒉町, 成为冠军嘅原因.
Remedy - Little Boots
Gosh!! I love this song so much!! 第一次听到嘅时候就已经觉得好紧要正! 听到后令人有一种好high, 好想跳舞嘅感觉. 虽然系新歌一首, 但系暂时仲未喺KL嘅club度听到有播呢首歌. 不过呢首歌喺香港嘅club就好紧要hit. 希望本地嘅club场尽快plug呢首歌啦, 咁大家就可以一齐嚟Dance with the enemy啦... 哈哈..
I can see you stalking like a predator
I've been here before
Temptation calls like Adam to the apple
But I will not be caught
Coz I can read those velvet eyes
And all I see is lies
No more poison
Killing my emotion
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy, remedy, oh
Stop stop preying
Coz I'm not not playing
I'm not frozen
Dancing is my remedy, remedy, oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Spin me faster like a kaleidoscope
All I've got's the floor
Yeah, you can try but I've found the antidote
Music is the cure
So you can try to paralyze
But I know best this time
No more poison
Killing my emotion
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy, remedy, oh
Stop stop preying
Coz I'm not not playing
I'm not frozen
Dancing is my remedy, remedy, oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
La-da, da-da, la-da, la-da, da-da-da
Da-da, da-da, da-da-da-da, la-da
And when the music fades away
I know I'll be okay
Contagious rhythm in my brain
Let it play
No more poison
Killing my emotion
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy, remedy, oh
Stop stop preying
Coz I'm not not playing
I'm not frozen
Dancing is my remedy, remedy, oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Move while you're watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
05/11: Mumbai
06/11: Mumbai
07/11: KL
08/11: KL/Sydney/Brisbane
09/11: Brisbane
10/11: KL
11/11: OFF
12/11: Standby 6am-2pm
13/11: Standby 6am-2pm
14/11: Standby 6am-2pm
15/11: OFF
16/11: OFF
17/11: OFF
18/11: OFF
19/11: London
20/11: London
21/11: London
22/11: KL
23/11: OFF
24/11: OFF
25/11: OFF
26/11: KL/Bali/KL
27/11: Adelaide
28/11: Adelaide
29/11: KL
30/11: OFF