话说加阵曼谷兵荒马乱, 为咗安全起见, 我班friends last minute postponed咗我哋一年一度嘅曼谷泼水之旅. 其实心入边系好想去, 只不过既然班friends话postponed, 咁就唯有postpone到6月, 希望到时情况会好转囉. 既然决定postponed, 咁之前做嘅准备功夫梗系要全部cancelled. 首先就系hotel, 酒店方面都好明白事理, all the charges fully refund, no extra cost incurred. 接落嚟就到机票. 由于担心系peak season, 所以当初我并冇买ZED ticket, 而系买full fare firm ticket with Thai Airways for on the way up to BKK; on the way back i take Lufthansa.
当我call去TG ticketing office话要cancelled张机票时, 个staff同我讲如果要取消张机票嘅话要RM200 penalty fees per person. 咁我就问如果amendment咧? 佢同我讲都系一样, RM200 per person, 如果到时机票价唔一样, let's say如果我加阵买嘅机票价钱系4百蚊, 到时如果六月机票价系6百蚊, 咁我就要pay the 2 hundred differences! 如果到时机票价系2百蚊嘅话, 咁佢哋照样charge番我4百蚊嘅机票价, 唔会扣番俾我. 我心谂: 哇哇哇!! 你哋TG认真要钱囉! 加阵咁嘅形势, 取消/更改机票你哋仲要罚钱, 其他航空公司都好understanding, 例如AK可以改时间同地点without any extra charges. 自己嘅公司就可以准许改期到4月30号之前, 又系冇extra charge. Lufthansa就最大方, ticket can be cancelled and full refund, no extra charges as well. 撞鬼火! 既然cancelled同埋amend都系一样要罚2百蚊, must why我cancelled咗佢再买过, 分分钟到时其他airlines仲平过TG.