Friday, July 31, 2009

再见纽约/斯德哥尔摩 + 陆羽茶馆 + 八月飞行表 + 同窗密友 - 温家恒 + 09香港先生

上几个礼拜收到公司份memo, 话由十月开始, Stockholm/New York航线将会temporarily suspended, 但系依然会保留以后再飞往呢两个地方嘅航线权力. Reason behind is US landing right is very hard to get, so it must retain the landing right in US by only suspended the flight but not to terminate it. 对我嚟讲, 冇乜大影响, 因为long trip从来都唔系我杯茶. 不过就有啲唔舍得New York呢个port. 之前讲过, 呢条航线系公司咁多条航线之中, allowance最高嘅. Stockholm查实系一个save allowance嘅port. 点解? 因为通常啲crew都会将Stockholm嘅allowance储起嚟, 跟住就会将啲allowance冚把冷用喺New York度疯狂shopping. Overspent all the allowances at New York and LA对我哋嚟讲系家常便饭. 尤其是碰正States有折时就更加夸张. 老实讲, 做得crew嘅, 唔系全部; 但十之八九都系贪慕虚荣架喇, 我唔否认我都系其中一个囉. :p 啲crew通常系美国买啲乜? 唔驶讲, 都系嗰啲啦.. Coach, CK, RL, DKNY, 花旗参, Victoria Secret, Toys, I-pod, I-phone, Apple products等等等等…

其实公司讲要stop呢条航线都已经讲咗好几年架喇, 因为呢条航线系属于seasonal load. 即系乜? 即系讲the flight only will be heavy load on certain seasons. For instance, New York and Stockholm load will becomes heavy only during summer pattern, that’s mean from March til September; other seasons will be light load. Other seasonal load's port which had been terminated such as 西安 and Zurich. 但系Manchester、Vienna、成都、Nagoya通常都系very good load, 我都唔明白点解公司会stop呢几条航线. 至于Cairo、Fukuoka就真系好light load, terminate呢两个port都系意料中事.

上个星期整理电脑时, 意外俾我睇到以前影落啲相, post some of it上嚟同大家分享下.

Cairo/开罗 - Flight time from KL to Cairo is about 10hours plus. Not so long. And the hotel we stayed at Cairo is very nice, Intercontinental, with a big shopping mall attached by the side. Just like the Middle East cities, the shopping malls in Cairo open til very late, about 2-3am. No need to rush for shopping, haha..


行近睇, 金字塔真系好宏伟

一旧石头就差唔多等于我成个人嘅身高, 可以想象啲石头有几重.

同伦敦大英博物馆, 巴黎罗浮宫, 北京故宫齐名嘅埃及博物馆(Egyptian Museum), but too bad that phototaking is banned inside the museum, so i only can take the picture of its entrance. Entrance fees into the museum i forgot how much already, roughly is about RM40-RM50. Quite expensive. Then when you want to go into the mummy's room where the mummies were displayed, you need to pay another RM100, damn expensive!! But i still paid that time to go inside, 都嚟到囉, 贵都冇办法, 当系睇一次就算.

Nile river at night time

I also forgot what this place is called, :p



上两个礼拜六晚同几个朋友去咗位于Star Hill底层嘅陆羽茶馆食dinner. 如果冇记错嘅话, 今次应该系我第二次光临呢度, 第一次应该都系几年前嘅事喇. 喺得呢度食嘢, 价钱贵都系预咗架喇, 不过就一分钱、一分货, 价钱收得咁贵, 啲嘢都有番咁上下水准架.

海底椰龙眼 - RM6.00

香炒萝卜糕 - RM9.80

米鸡 - RM7.80

成个dinner至正斗嘅嘢, 亦都系至贵嘅 - 明虾沙律 RM48, 超贵~ 不过真系超好食, 5星推介!

海鲜炒面 RM26


August roster

Yeh!! I managed to give my London away on the 1st, August. In return, i get back Osaka and 3 days standby. Yeah, for sure i "rugi" in the allowance cause London is a long haul flight. But nevermind, since i took her standby as well, if i managed to get a Aussie route during the standby time, i will be earning more than my original London allowance. So i will have 2 sets of standby next month, one is original from 12am-8am, another set is mutual from other crew 12pm-8pm. I got Taipei/Los Angeles next month. The pattern i got is long stay LA which i don't really like, cause i prefer long stay Taipei. So as usual, time to party at Taipei and time to shop at LA. Time to stock up my underwear again as branded underwear in States is very cheap.

The change of my rostered duties will be as follows:

29/07: OFF
30/07: OSAKA
31/07: OSAKA
01/08: KL
02/08: STANDBY 12PM-8PM
03/08: STANDBY 12PM-8PM
04/08: STANDBY 12PM-8PM
05/08: OFF
06/08: OFF
07/08: OFF
09/08: OFF
10/08: STANDBY 12AM-8AM
11/08: STANDBY 12AM-8AM
12/08: STANDBY 12AM-8AM
13/08: OFF
14/08: OFF
15/08: OFF
16/08: OFF
17/08: TAIPEI
18/08: TAIPEI
19/08: LA
20/08: LA
21/08: LA
22/08: LA
23/08: TAIPEI
24/08: TAIPEI
25/08: TAIPEI
26/08: KL
27/08: OFF
28/08: OFF
29/08: OFF
30/08-31/08: ANNUAL LEAVE (Purposely applied leave for my birthday. Lazy to work on birthday.)


同窗密友 - 温家恒

温家恒, 一个好陌生嘅名. 不过我相信对于有睇"家好月圆"嘅人嚟讲, 对佢一定会有印象. 冇错喇, 佢就系家、好、月、圆、庆、中、秋里面嘅阿中仔. 入行冇几耐, TVB就已经安排咗一连串嘅计划嚟捧佢上位, 出碟进军乐坛梗系唔少得啦. 呢首系佢嘅第一首歌, 走嘅曲风系好大路嘅校园式情歌, 我都几钟意架, 觉得几好听、顺口. 对于一个新人嚟讲, 佢嘅表现都算系咁囉. 唔知点解, 我始终觉得佢好P look囉. :p 至于个mv就系typical无记低成本制作, 唉~ 惯架喇.



今年嘅香港先生啱啱落幕, 同今年港姐一样, 班港男啲质素认真系惨不忍睹. 旧年嘅冠军Michael朱允崇就可以轻而易举将佢哋抛离几个马位. 睇番个赛果, 由7号嘅黑马許家傑先奪盛年組冠军, 然後再成為總冠軍; 而1号陳偉洪就成为少年组冠军, 佢亦都系今年嘅票王, 票数由头带到尾, 点知最后都系大热倒灶, 饮恨于許家傑手下.



1號陳偉洪: 我嘅头号心水. 样貌同身材系今年最掂嘅. 可能只得18岁, 系全场年纪最细嘅,, 讲嘢有少少唔成熟兼白痴, 又输在年纪太细, 所以到最后都得唔到班女评判嘅欢心.

2號鄭鴻明: 样麻麻, 冇乜身材, 最钟意单眼放电, 睇多都济.

3號陳子仁: 唔驶多讲, 真系好肉酸, 预咗陪跑, 肯定系大冷门之一.

4號鄭智健: 佢嘅必杀技嗰part几精彩, 弹豎琴, 有新意. 但系其他方面就普普通通, 咁嘅票数, 都算对得住佢自己.


5號田學維: 必殺技系一邊畫MJ一邊唱You are not alone, 画工几好, 样都唔错. 未能进级有少少遗憾.

6號鄭子揚: 简直系精力旺盛, 跳hip hop时犹如神打上身. 卖晒力, 可惜一副MK(Mong Kok 旺角)look令佢扣晒分.

7號李家傑: 佢嘅必杀技令我叹为观止, 拉丁舞姿瀟洒流利, 跳得有型有款, 简直攞晒分啦. 能成为冠军必然有佢个人之处. 表现穩定, 平均, 殺晒全場, 抵佢赢!

8號李偉健: 大只佬, 身形fit爆全场. 我都几buy佢架. 可惜输喺唔识点样表现自己, 摆啲pose又木木独独. 未能加冕却系今年遗珠之一, 唉~ 可惜可惜~

9號林建邦: 身形亦都系好正, 样子还算ok, 至但系就点都得唔到班港女欢心. 点解咧? 我都唔明.

10號吳雲甫: 讲样, 掂! 讲身材, 都掂! 喺咁嘅冇乜强劲对手之下连四强都唔入, 真系阴公.. 我一直觉得佢会拎到高票, 可惜可能系artist嘅关系, 令佢时时太照顾形象, 而且又冇乜笑容, 令佢失去唔少分数.

11號郭田葰: 超级騎呢怪, 全晚嘅小丑! 必杀技印尼王子令我笑反艇! 够抵死! 醜版陳司翰咁有勇气, 真系值得俾佢加分! 哈哈! 希望你以后有机会再接再厉, 制造多啲笑话!

12號呂庭鋒: 今年嘅海外佳丽, 来自Canada. 各花入各眼, 好多人插佢肉酸, 但系我又觉得佢几cutie喎, 成个韩国仔look~

综观嚟讲, 成个show我觉得几闷囉, 而且泳装环节又冇乜睇头, 啲泳裤又好似阿婆底裤咁, 冇啲美感. 不过令我最失望嘅係伍姑娘居然冇出現囉! 伍姑娘! 你喺边啊?? 港男需要你啊!

7號李家傑, 盛年组冠军兼今年嘅香港先生

1號陳偉洪, 少年组冠军

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daniel's birthday + 乖乖仔 + July roster

Last 2 weeks was Daniel’s birthday, we celebrated at 半山芭嘅内蒙古酒家. Actually that day was a very busy day for me. I need to attend my friend’s concert at Ara Damansara about 8pm, then I left the concert half way at about 9.30pm and rushed to Pudu to attend his birthday dinner, then left about 11pm to go home to change my clothes before heading to MP. 哇! 真系赶死我啦! 揸车都揸到我攰啊..

如果我冇记错嘅话, I think this is my second time visit here. 呢度啲嘢都几ok架, 起码新鲜囉, 毕竟蒙古餐喺KL并唔多. 不过个麻辣煲真系好鬼死辣, 我食咗一啖就即刻停口, 都系清汤啱我啲. It’s buffet style, 所以都算有好多嘢食, 价钱都算公道.

一边系劲麻辣, 一边系清汤

Part of the foods that we ordered

Birthday boy Daniel and Danny

Ah Sing and Ah Bee

Me and Ah Bee

Me and my favourite drink - 王老吉


Last few days, my parents came to KL to visit me. Of course i need to accompany them. So, 前几日我带我daddy mommy周围去食嘢, 陪住佢哋做乖乖孝顺仔. Other activities?? Off ar... MP on Saturday night? SORRY! ALSO OFF AR.... No matter what, parents always come first.


July roster还算ok囉, 虽然冇every weekend off, 但起码都有两个weekend系off. 虽然依然唔钟意, 但系better than every weekend not in KL lor. 最重要嘅系--有我number 1 favourite port--Hong Kong night stop, 又可以去蒲啦, haha....

04/07: OFF
05/07: OFF
06/07: OFF
07/07: OFF
08/07: OFF
14/07: KL (Suppose i am doing Sydney on 7th-9th and London on 11th-14th. But as i mentioned b4, i don't like to do long haul flight plus the stupid London flight departs on Saturday night which i hate the most, so i give away my London and change with Auckland which is departs on Friday night and more easier to do. But the flight crashed with her Kuching turn around flight, so no choice i have to give my Sydney flight to her as well in order to avoid the crash of the roster and rest hours. My Sydney gone~~ 好可惜. :( Anyhow, i still "rugi" my allowances to her, but nevermind la, as long as i no need to go to work on Saturday night and can buy Manuka Honey in Auckland, hehe..)
15/07: OFF
16/07: OFF
17/07: OFF
18/07: KL/DHAKA
19/07: DHAKA/KL
20/07: OFF
23/07: OFF
24/07: KL/BALI/KL
25/07: OFF
26/07: HONG KONG
27/07: HONG KONG
28/07: KL (Hong Kong night stop, my number 1 most favourite port!! 3 and a half hours flight, so simple and short, stay there for 2 nights and the allowance is so high!! Some more Hong Kong Summer Sales is on now... Time to gather with my Hong Kong friends again... :) )
29/07: OFF
30/07: OFF
31/07: OFF