Friday, February 27, 2009

3月roster - 航空业,一片腥风血雨

3月份嘅roster终于出咗喇, surprisingly, 喺咁嘅非常时期, 我觉得我嘅roster都算系好靓仔架喇. 有overlapped到3月嘅Rome, 仲有Narita, Frankfurt同埋Amsterdam. Turn around flight有两只, Dhaka同埋Saigon. 冇standby, total 11 off days.

一年一度至烦嘅Safety Recurrent又嚟喇, 又系时候要读书考试喇. 嗰本我一年先睇一次、黐晒尘、生满冬菇、厚达几百页嘅safety manual终于可以重见天日喇. BCF、transmitter、toilet fire procedures、galley fire procedures、oxygen system、oxygen mask、emergency command、turbulence、pilot incapacity、decompression、crash land procedures、ditching procedures、hijack procedures、dangerous goods handling、first aid等等等等… 大佬, 咁多嘢, 鬼记得咩? 我谂我读唔到几行字应该就会恰眼瞓, 去钓鱼咗. :p Passing mark 90分, 唔系讲笑, 答错3题就可以准备收皮咗. 今年仲有wet drill添, 落水, 出水, 又跳落水, life jacket, board raft... 嘥鬼气~ 仲要做埋啲无聊嘢-big circle, small circle. 唉~~ Evacuate!!! Evacuate!!!!! 快啲完啦! 唔该!!

A friend of mine who is working in SQ called me yesterday. She told me: Singapore Airlines is doing very worst now. Cutting a lot of cost, intake freeze, cut down and reduce a lot of flights and frequencies. Outport hotel downgraded to 3-4 stars, tech crew(pilot) are asked to go for 1 year leave. Cabin crew with alternate month roster, means this month u have roster, next month u don’t have roster, go for unpaid leave, no need to fly. And total of 17 aircrafts have been grounded because of no flight and no passenger. Economy turmoil is hit Singapore very badly. 佢问我MH呢边咩环境, 我讲就未至于好似SQ咁严重, 不过最近真系好多flights cancelled咗, such as Bangkok, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Perth etc.. 公司话经济如果冇好转嘅话, 未来几个月都会系咁cancel flight. 连一向逢机必爆嘅London, Amsterdam, Paris, Johannesburg, Aussie route等等都变得好light load咗. 我同佢讲如果情况再恶化落去, 我谂应该都会步新航后尘啰. 经济大环境系咁, 都冇办法啰, 唯有慳啲驶啰.

05/03: OFF
06/03: OFF
07/03: OFF
08/03: KUL/DAC
09/03: DAC/KUL
10/03: OFF
11/03: Security Awareness Training 8.30am MAA Kelana Jaya
12/03: WB SEP Recurrent 8.30am MAA Kelana Jaya
13/03: WB SEP Recurrent 8.30am MAA Kelana Jaya
14/03: NRT
15/03: KUL
16/03: KUL/SGN/KUL
17/03: OFF
18/03: OFF
19/03: FRA
20/03: FRA
21/03: FRA
22/03: KUL
23/03: OFF
24/03: OFF
25/03: OFF
26/03: AMS
27/03: AMS
28/03: AMS
29/03: KUL
30/03: OFF
31/03: OFF

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


唔知由几时开始, 我变得极之讨厌喺weekend做工. 尤其是系星期六晚要返工, 嗰种感觉就好似叫我去死咁. 够钟够点, 当我收到越嚟越多sms又或者call嘅时候, 问我:"今晚点啊?"、"Tonight clubbing?"、"预埋你架喇"、"11点半喺门口等, 先到先等"... 我嘅心情就会直跌落谷底, 永不翻身, 成个人变得好懒, 超级好唔想返工, 宁愿去蒲, 唔要啲allowance都觉得冇乜所谓.

唔知点解, 如果星期六晚冇返工嘅话, 一到时间, 我成个人就会开始坐立不安, 心思思要出去. 觉得如果weekend唔出去蒲嘅话, 好似浪费咗大好时光, 我自己都唔知点解我会咁, 我谂可能我系一个不甘寂寞嘅人呱.

Cookies嘅呢首"派对动物"系我非常非常之喜欢嘅歌, 原因系除咗佢嘅melody超正之外, 最大嘅原因莫过于佢嘅歌词正好系讲出我嘅心声. 嗯.. 我嘅乜嘢心声?? 各位, 唔驶我多讲, 当你哋睇到歌词, 就会明架喇, 嘿嘿~~ :p

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sun, sea and beach paradise - Gold Coast

Just back to KL this morning. Pretty tired as it was a mid night flight from Brisbane to KL. But anyway, the load was quite light, so we managed to get 2 hours rest during flight and it’s really helps a lot, not feeling so “zombie” when landing. It has been a few months I didn’t come to Brisbane since my last visit. Company had changed our hotel in BNE. We used to stay at down town Brisbane, but now we had moved to hotel which is located at Gold Coast. It’s about an hour journey from Brisbane to Gold Coast.

Gold Coast definitely is a surfers paradise with its beautiful sandy beaches. As I can see, there are lot of tourists here. Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Hong Kie, Taiwanese, Singaporean, Dutch, French, British etc. Lots of Malaysians too.. And foods is not a problem here as many nice restaurants are opened which serving us with Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Western cuisines. But of course, it is a tourist spot, so the price, ahem... u all know la...

Weather here is quite hot, so that’s why there are a lot of peoples who just wearing bikini or swimming trunk walking around the street, so if u want to “see” some “hot“ things.. Just open your eyes “big big”, haha.. :p

It’s very nice and beautiful here, so if u like all the beach activities, I strongly recommend that Gold Coast is a place that u r not gonna to miss it..

I spent some times walking around and had a very nice Japanese foods there. Here is some photos that I captured while I “lepak” in Gold Coast..

Street view
Surfers Paradise Blvd
This aquaduck can be used on land as well as in the water

LV store at Gold Coast
Hard Rock Cafe
Surfers Paradise banner

I like this hotel, very cute~
Gold Coast view from my hotel room (1)
Gold Coast view from my hotel room (2)
Gold Coast view from my hotel room (3)
White sandy beaches (1)
White sandy beaches (2)
White sandy beaches (3)
White sandy beaches (4)
White sandy beaches (5)
White sandy beaches (6)
This is the hotel where i stayed when night stop in Brisbane--Holiday Inn, Gold Coast
The very nice lobby of Holiday Inn

Friday, February 6, 2009


上个星期喺怡保同朋友饮嘢,期间一个朋友问我想唔想做善事,因为佢哋打算将过年收到啲利是,全部捐晒出来俾老人院。佢话你无睇有啲老人院好似好靓咁,查实大多数都系要俾钱嘅。即系话啲老人家嘅家属每个月都要俾钱间老人院(应该讲系安老院贴切啲)嚟照顾佢哋啲亲人,所以啲老人家喺入边都还算过得ok,称得上系衣食无忧。但其实仲有好多老人院系冇人资助嘅,只系靠班社会嘅热心人士捐助一啲钱同埋日常用品,所以有时如果间老人院唔够钱嘅话,啲老人家三餐都会成问题。觉得佢哋好惨,好阴公啰。屋企人已经唔要佢哋,咁难得有地方肯收留佢哋,又要面对冇饭食嘅问题。唉~~ 所以我考都冇考虑就一口答应。虽然话我每年收到啲利是唔算好多,与其将啲利是钱用嚟买嘢,倒不如捐俾啲有需要嘅人,用自己少少嘅力量就可以帮到人,令佢哋过一个开心嘅新年,咁样我觉得啲利是钱用得就更加有意义得多…

呢几日翻开报纸又或着扭开电台,都系讲紧“青蛙的故事”,我忽然间觉得好睇唔起呢几个人,为咗一己私利,竟然可以做走狗!! 食碗面、反碗底!! 出卖自己嘅党派,佢哋辜负咗千千万万投佢哋票啲选民.. 可能我来自怡保,所以更加感受到俾人出卖嗰种心痛嘅感觉。不嬲都知政治一定会同金钱扯上关系,亦都知政治系好黑暗,但系嗰几只“青蛙”如果谂住下届仲会有人投佢哋一票嘅话,谂都唔驶谂!!! 我宁愿投废票,都唔会喺你哋嘅名度打个"x".. 你哋早抖啦!!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


因为过年好紧要忙,所以好耐都冇update我嘅blog,真系唔好意思。今年新年过得好开心,除咗同屋企人一齐相处之外;仲同一班朋友一齐庆祝兼叙旧,晚晚都去Friend’s Café报到,傾计、吹水.. 好正啰。讲真,3日off days真系好唔够,我觉得过年起码要休息一个礼拜。明年大年初一咁啱又系情人节,睇嚟又要同人争年假争到头崩额裂喇。

04/02: OFF
05/02: OFF
06/02: OFF
07/02: Standby Airport 8am-11am
08/02: Standby 4pm-12am
09/02: Standby 4pm-12am
10/02: Standby 4pm-12am
11/02: OFF
12/02: OFF
13/02: OFF
14/02: SYD
15/02: BNE
16/02: BNE
17/02: KUL
18/02: OFF
19/02: BOM
20/02: BOM
21/02: KUL
22/02: PEK
23/02: KUL
24/02: OFF
25/02: OFF
26/02: KUL/CGK/KUL
27/02: OFF
28/02: FCO
01/03: FCO
02/03: FCO
03/03: FCO
04/03: KUL