Thursday, February 28, 2008


雨, 悄悄地下着..
我, 静静地躺着..
宁静的雨夜里, 雨声勾起美好的回忆.

不知道什么时候开始, 这里只剩下这一首轻柔的曲子- 轻轻的.. 淡淡的..
下雨天, 望着朦胧的窗外听这首曲子, 虽然宁静, 但却能把人深深的抓住.
在雨中, 我总有种莫名的惆怅, 说不清, 道不明. 总觉得它在讲述着属于每个人心中的一个故事, 好多的感慨, 从心底溢出...

有种揪心的感觉, 一遍又一遍, 止不住自己的情感.
带着一丝忧伤, 让我的心静下来. 回忆仿佛又变成了现实, 伤感也是那么的真实. 唉! 过去的就让它过去吧! 不要再想那么多了, 这世上还有很多人值得我去珍惜.
有时候逝去的东西可能不再回来, 也不再出现....
而我们所能做的, 就是不要忘记.....

笑容开始不经意出现在嘴角, 而眼泪也开始不小心挤出眼眶.
很多人都已经淡忘了流泪, 而把痛楚都留在心里. 因为~~泪, 永远都是苦涩的!
泪, 因为有感情, 所以是热的;
而雨, 因为没有感情, 所以是冷的!

夜已深了, 我也应该要睡了...

雨滴承载着云对大地的思念落下, 在天空中留下雨的印记....

Monday, February 25, 2008

Vantage Point

Right after we had our dinner at Times Square on Saturday night, we went for a movie first before we heading to clubbing. The movie is "Vantage Point". It's a thriller movie. The synopsis is about eight strangers with eight different points of view try to unlock the truth behind an assassination attempt on the president of the United States. Each of whom gets 10 minutes or so of screen time devoted to their very own point of view.

Overall, the idea is very fresh. None stop action. While I was watching it, though, the multiple rewinds did get tedious. But I see that most of the added scenes were necessary to tie it all together. The tie-ins between all the characters were done quite well. First half of movie not that good... kind of boring, cause seeing the same thing over and over again, but the second half did improve a lot. The actions are very exciting especially at the end part when the actors are chasing each other along the road. And one thing i am so impress is that, with that kind of congested and narrow road, they still can drive like that without knock down any people, their driving skills are awesome. Keke...

I am very surprise to see Sigourney Weaver in this movie. Since so long never watch her film. She looks very aging in this movie although she is not young anymore. But she's only appears about 10 minutes or plus in this movie. Kind of short. She get famous with her all time favourite blockbuster movie - Aliens.

With no single larger-than-life hero as a focus, it is a script that challenges the viewer to pay attention to every image. Yes, it has its flaws, but nonetheless, it is gripping.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Malaysia Airlines Travel Fair

From the newspaper, get to know that Malaysia Airlines Travel Fair is on from 22nd til 24th Feb. The venue will be held at KL Convention Center which is next to KLCC. Yesterday, me n my friend had our lunch at Avenue K first, then only we proceed to Convention center.

I think the fair get the overwhelming response from the public as there were full of peoples inside the exhibition halls. People are busy searching the best place and the best price for their holiday. Me and my friend also walking around to look for the best deal.

The fair will offer six million seats to more than 100 destinations. Offers such as a 70% discount off current market fares. We had asked for a Hong Kong fare which is only RM800 for return ticket inclusive of all the taxes n fuel surcharge, it is considered very cheap as normal day airfare will be around RM1500-RM1800. Taipei only RM1300. So, we spent almost 1 and a half hours there to find for the right package before i heading back to my house around 6pm. Can't spend much time there cause got a dinner appointment at Times Square at 8pm. So need to go back home to shower n prepare...

Friday, February 22, 2008


Plan to get myself a laptop, but there are variety of choices at the market now. Which one should i choose? Considering of the performance? appearance? light? cheap? Anyhow, it's all back to the original and most important point -- Money. Haha.... The Sony VAIO TZ series is my dream laptop. Because its light, stylish, modern, utterly gorgeous, small etc... But its also very very expensive. Almost double the price of the same rank laptop. I think part of the reason its become so expensive is mainly due to its manufacturer -- Sony = Branded = Expensive. Haha....

Below is the overview of Sony VAIO TZ:

The Sony VAIO TZ is the latest offering from Sony in the ultra portable market. With its small size and extreme low weight, it is a must on any traveler's notebook list. The laptop is packed with latest Intel Core 2 Duo Processor U7500/U7600, a 1.06GHz/1.20GHz processor that is designed for high performance and low power consumption. Combined with Intel 945GMS, 1GB(2GB Max) DDR2 RAM, 100GB (4200rpm) Hard Drive with G-Sensor Shock Protection, 11.1 inches WXGA LCD widescreen display (1366×768 resolution), DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/DVD-RAM Drive, Memory Stick Pro Secure Digital Media One ExpressCard /34 Slot, Biometric Fingerprint Sensor, Built-in MOTION EYE camera and microphone, 802.11n wireless LAN, Bluetooth, Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (224MB), VGA out w/ Smart Display Sensor and the battery standby up is to 11.5 hours. Some more, you can work faster, easier and more securely than ever with new Windows® Vista™ Business. With all the above features, its only weight at 1.2kg, including battery and drive, the ultra light TZ-Series is a masterpiece of mobility.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

再见不是朋友 - 邓丽欣

再见不是朋友是邓丽欣的新专辑Stephilosophy, 继"看透"后的第二首派台歌, 是一首非常大路的情歌. 歌词的内容就好像歌名所说的一样, 一对情侣在分手后还能做朋友吗? 还是"我不信爱人离开竟可变密友". Stephy这次的唱功比上一张专辑进步了, 感情的部分也比之前拿捏的准了, 希望她唱live的功力也跟着进步吧, 千万不要在继续走音了, 不然耳朵会好难受哦... 相信凭着它嚷嚷上口的旋律, 这首歌应该不难成为k房的大热之作吧! 不知道各位喜欢吗?

Monday, February 18, 2008


Friends asked to go for a movie at Leisure Mall yesterday. Title is "Jumper". It's a science fiction film based on the novel "Jumper" by Steven Gould. The plot goes much like this: A boy discovers he has the power to teleport himself. Boy learns to control his powers. And then he lives in idyllic life of leisure and travel until he discovers that people are chasing him, and that he is caught up in a war between people who can teleport, and those who have sworn to kill them.

Unfortunately, "Jumper" isn't much more than a geography tour. The story is well laid out. And the main character behaves in a believable way. Sadly, the action sequences aside is quite boring. But some of the graphics are still awesome and effects are quite stunning. There is no chemistry whatsoever between David and Milly, and their romantic relationship is unrealistic. And i feel that Rachel Bilson is too skinny to be the girl in this movie. Overall, the movie is entertaining especially when you had that sweet power to teleport. Keke..... Conclusion, keep your expectations low....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

谢安琪 - 钟无艳

生完儿子后复出的谢安琪带来的第二波主打歌 - 钟无艳, 非常的好听. 旋律动听, 歌词感人, 而且也蛮难唱. 此歌是描述一个女生爱上了一个男生, 她不要只想和男生做好好朋友那么简单. 无奈那个男生已经有了女朋友, 他也知道那个女生喜欢他, 但是他只是把那个女生当作是他的好朋友, 也只有他遇上了困难时才会想到要找那个女生倾诉. 而女生也只可以把她的爱收藏在心理, 默默的爱护及支持她的好朋友...

好喜欢副歌那部分的歌词:"没有得你的允许 我都会爱下去 互相祝福心软之际或者准我吻下去 我痛恨成熟到 不要你望着我流泪 但漂亮笑下去 彷佛冬天饮雪水 被你一贯的赞许 却不配爱下去 在你悲伤一刻必须解慰找到我乐趣 我甘于当副车 也是快乐着唏嘘." 尤其是那句 "彷彿冬天飲雪水", 意思是冬天已经够冷了, 还要喝冰冻的水, 就好像雪上加霜, 凍上加凍. 用作比喻女生的心情. 女生~~真的甘愿永远做男生的钟无艳吗?

Friday, February 15, 2008


每个故事一开始, 都会有终结的一天. 那管这故事到底是快乐、温馨、悲伤还是痛苦. 故事中的人物, 往往会因不同的经历、机遇、原因而发展出不同的结局. 现实生活中的爱情, 就好像一个一个故事, 每天重复不断地在我们身边发生着, 当中必定有开心、感动、伤痛、悲苦...

终於疲倦了, 我起身关上了灯, 才发现窗外, 午夜已经变成了清晨. 反复思念着我们的过去, 到底是什么原因令我们要走上分手这条路呢? 是我不够成熟吗? 是我执著? 还是我软弱?
我也必须承认在处理这段感情时, 有很多事情是我做得不够多, 不够主动, 不够体谅, 不够细心...
一段感情的结束, 并没有什么好责怪的, 可是一段感情的终结, 问题是出自一方面呢? 还是双方面都必须附上一定的责任?

反反复复的听着伤心情歌, 多少遍了, 我的眼还是红红的... 真的需要这么伤心吗?
开始觉得人的生命中, 总会有些过客. 出现.. 逗留.. 离开.. 再出现.. 再逗留.. 再离开.. 现在只不过多了一个...
既然已经结束了, 又何必在拉扯呢? 虽然你曾住在我心上, 但既然你选择离开, 我会尊重你的决定, 并没有恼恨或责怪你, 也知道这个决定对你来说, 是多么的艰难. 因你的离开, 我的心也因此空了一个地方.
听着听着又哭了, 我很明白的, 虽然你选择了分开, 但是你也非常伤心, 谁都会难免不舍的.
唉! 别再哭了, 应该要笑一笑, 把爱情看透彻, 因为有些事总该要遗忘的... 就像你曾经对我说过: "人必须向前看啊, 发生了, 过去了, 也已经无法再离补、回头了..."
也开始慢慢学会领悟到: "失去也算是另一种获得... 幸福也不一定非爱谁不可..."
我总相信: 阴霾是会过去的, 难熬的... 也是会经过的....

虽然我们无缘再继续走下去, 但我也衷心祝福你在未来的人生道路上, 能找到真正适合你的人.. 记得要幸福哦....

两个人, 从陌生到熟悉, 不管结局是什么, 至少我们曾经相遇...
谢谢你.... 我会因为这一分钟... 而永远记得你......

Thursday, February 14, 2008


所谓[太岁当头坐, 无喜恐有祸]. 今年是鼠年, 或称戊子年. 所以凡是生肖属鼠、马、兔及鸡的人, 今年都犯太岁. 其中属鼠的是坐太岁, 属兔和鸡者则是偏冲太岁, 而属马的却是正冲太岁. 由于我是属马, 所以今年刚好正冲太岁. 乘着昨天有空, 所以赶快去位于Salak South的医灵庙攝太歲, 以祈求新一年平安順利, 逢凶化吉.

犯太岁、攝太歲等字眼我们听得多了. 但是关于它的由来, 我们又知道得多少呢? 上网找了一些关于太岁的由来及传说, 在这里和大家分享.

太岁古称"岁星"(又稱太陰、歲陰), 为九大行星中的“木星”, 中国人以其公转太阳一周, 约需十二年的光阴, 就以木星周期来纪年, 根据木星在不同年岁的轨道, 而纪之以“子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥”等名称. 这些子丑寅卯的称号, 为木星绕行太阳的位置代号, 辨识方法很简单, 当木星位于天空中的“子”位时, 该年就称“子年”;在天空中的“卯”位, 该年就称为“卯年”;在天空中的“酉”位, 该年就称之为“酉年”, 其余以此类推.

中国传统的纪年方法叫干支纪年法, 它是由十个天干(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸)和十二地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、已、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥)依次轮流搭配而成. 始于甲子, 终于癸亥. 一个轮回需要60年, 称为六十甲子.

传说在这60年里面, 每一年天上都会派一位神仙出来值年, 他负责掌管这一年人间的福与祸, 也掌管这一年出生的人一生的旦夕祸福, 老百姓尊称这些神仙为值年太岁, 60年就有60位太岁, 所以统称为60甲子神.

一般人的年庚, 若与值年太岁相同, 民间称为犯太岁. 年庚对冲者, 则叫冲太岁. 什么叫做犯太岁? 犯其实即是冲,「冲」亦分为「年冲」及「对冲」. " 年冲"即是指生肖之年, 例如今年是蛇年, 属蛇者即为年冲;"对冲"即是指生肖之年再加上六年, "对冲"又叫"六冲", 刑太岁, 又称"偏冲", 自己的出生年如与流年所属生肖相差三年, 便是刑克, 即与流年太岁"偏冲".
因此, 无论是那一种, 在那一年里必定百事不顺, 事业多困厄, 身体多病变, 因此务必要拜奉太岁星君以保平安.

安太歲是一種民間信仰, 又稱攝太歲. 太歲神位高權重, 為了避免得罪太歲神, 在傳統習俗中, 若該年是沖犯太歲之年的人仕, 都會選擇在新春期間拜祭太歲神, 以祈求新一年平安順利, 祈福消災. 安太岁即是安稳心神, 心正则安, 意诚则稳. 唯有神情稳定自在, 才能生发胜妙的灵智, 净除诸贪染习, 而达到真正的消灾解厄. 当您心诚意正, 充满善念与感恩之时, 福虽未至, 祸已远离!

Friends Cafe

During CNY, I went back to my hometown Ipoh. It's has been a few months i didn't go back to Ipoh since last year August. Traffic was very jammed and congested during CNY time at Ipoh.. Most probably many peoples came back to their hometown and do the last minute shopping and preparations for CNY. Nothing much to do during CNY except eat, sleep, watching tv and hang out with friends.
Friends had brought me to a cafe called "Friends Cafe" located in Ipoh Metro area, few blocks away from Jaya Jusco. The design is quite nice and the environment is quite comfort. I went there everynight from Eve of CNY til 3rd day of CNY. It's full house everynight. Crowd is all over the cafe. Some more many peoples waiting outside the cafe to look for the seats.. Met many friends that are long time no see over there... Chit chat, laugh and drink.. That's the way i spent my night during CNY at Ipoh. It's very enjoyable and i like it. Will pay there a visit again soon...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Red Box Plus, Pavilion

Friends asked to go to karaoke on Sunday. Venue will be Red Box Plus, Pavilion. The latest hot 'k' spot in town. Time is from 3pm til 6pm. Happy hour time. But they let us sing until 7pm. Keke... Price is about RM35 per person(inclusive of taxes). Package will be lunch buffet and one drink. Foods taste not bad but the choices are not much. What do u expect? RM35--Can sing, eat and drink. How much you paid is how much you get back. The world is fair. Haha.... Right after the 'k' session, we hanged aroung at Pavilion and Bukit Bintang area. Can't go somewhere else cause it's raining heavily that time. Ended up had our dinner at Sungai Wang.

Monday, February 4, 2008


上个星期六晚上, 由于很晚吃晚餐, 又想不到去那儿吃, 而且太晚的关系, 很多店都打烊了. 所以在选择不多的情形下, 就去了位于Pudu的华佗馆. 有一段时间都没去那儿吃了, 好怀念那儿的牛奶炖蛋. 超喜欢. 嘿嘿... 我叫了Asam Laksa, 而我朋友叫了一碗鱼丸清汤冬粉. 味道还可以, 可是还是比较喜欢吃它的甜品. 可能味道比较好吧...
由于下雨的关系, 所以没去clubbing, 吃完了就回家看电视睡觉. 就这样过了一个平凡的周末...

Asam Laksa


Saturday, February 2, 2008

CNY Decorations - Mid Valley

CNY is coming soon and my hair is out of shape. So need to cut my hair before CNY. Went to the saloon that i normally go in Mid Valley on Thursday. Find out CNY decorations in Mid Valley is pretty attractive. Like under a red atmosphere and tell you that CNY is just around the corner....

Mid Valley

The Garden